Only Four Days Until the $100K ChampionChip Games Main Event at 888poker

Matthew Pitt
Senior Editor
3 min read
888poker ChampionChip Games

Imagine playing for a share of a guaranteed $100,000 for only a $25 investment. It would be cool, right? If you agree, you must head to 888poker and get involved in the online poker giant's ChampionChip Mystery Bounty Main Event, where $100,000 is guaranteed to be won, including a $10,000 jackpot bounty payment.

The Mystery Bounty Main Event is in full swing, with several flights already in the bag. At the time of writing, 2,258 players had bought in, and 267 of those had progressed to Day 2. The mathematicians among you will no doubt have realized that the number of entrants leaves a substantial difference between the prize money collected and the guaranteed amount. We'll tell you that the Mystery Bounty Main Event needs to attract the same number of entrants in the next four days to hit the ambitious guaranteed amount!

More flights are scheduled daily, including March 24, when Day 2 commences at 9:30 p.m. BST. Mystery Bounty Main Event players, whether they buy-in for $25 or satellite in from only $0.50, sit down with 10,000 chips and play to an excellent blind structure starting at 20/40/5. Late registration remains open for a very precise 198 minutes, with unlimited re-entries permitted during that time.

Each flight continues until the end of Level 20 or when 11% of the field remains, whichever comes sooner. Surviving players return to the 888poker tables on March 24 at 9:30 p.m. BST on Level 21, where blinds are 1,250/2,500/300a and the mystery bounties in play.

Sixteen of the mystery bounties are worth at least $1,000, with one lucky 888poker player set to open a golden envelope containing $10,000!

ChampionChip Games Mystery Bounty Main Event Day 1 Structure

LevelSmall BlindBig BlindAnteLevelSmall BlindBig BlindAnte

Current ChampionChip Games Mystery Bounty Top 10

Starting Day 2 of the Mystery Bounty Main Event won't guarantee you'll reach the final table or go on to become the tournament's champion, but having bags of chips at your disposal indeed makes those two things more likely.

Romania's "DJoKerKJ" is the player to catch right now, having turned their 10,000 starting stack into a tournament-leading 317,126 chips. That stack equates to 127 big blinds, making the leader one of only three Main Event players to return with 100 or more big blinds. "TNARO" of Brazil and "BigFish20" are the other two.

A stack of at least 206,767 is required to break into the current top ten; you had better get grinding!

RankPlayerCountryChipsBig Blinds
3BigFish20 253,988102
5Hodor83United Kingdom244,33198
8Brunsonskid 217,00587

ChampionChip Games Results

Expand the table below to see the results from the 14 completed ChampionChip Games events. Event #10 is missing as it has dropped out of the 888poker client.

All prizes include bounty payments where applicable.

EventBuy-inEntrantsPrize PoolChampionPrize
#01 – Opening Event (Mystery Bounty)$16.501,484$22,260Lumo_AUT$1,808
#02 – Opening Event (Classic)$33463$13,890APJennings$2,496
#03 – Opening Event High Roller (PKO)$55594$30,000Edson_brito$4,784
#04 – Opening Event Mini (Mystery Bounty)$8.801,042$8,336GODhatesNFT$832
#05 – Opening Event (MB Big or Small)$22737$15,000Tnapao$2,089
#06 – Daily Gems PKO$16.50768$11,520Dr.Colle$1,441
#07 – Daily Gems PKO Mini$8.80731$5,848101funt186$941
#08 – MB Big or Small$2.201,265$2,530ciprandito$277
#09 – Daily Gems Super KO$16.50710$10,650pisy80$941
#11 – Daily Gems Super KO High RollerA$55263$13,150Scottyj86$1,387 
#12 – Marathon Special$8.80379$3,032Gliga.86$566
#13 – Daily Gems MB Big or Small$111,026$10,260FoldyNorman$1,002
#14 – Daily Gems MB Big or Small$22528$10,560Tikanis72$1,274

ChampionChip Games Schedule

Expand the table below and feast your eyes on the bustling ChampionChip Games schedule. The action comes thick and fast, with 22 more events needing to crown their champions by March 25! Will you be one of them?

DateTime (GMT)EventBuy-inGuarantee
Thu 20 Mar6:00 p.m.#15 – Daily Gems DeepStack Hugh Roller$55$12,000
 6:00 p.m.#16 – Mystery Bounty Frenzy Special$5.50$4,000
 7:00 p.m.#17 – Daily Gems DeepStack$33$10,000
Fri 21 Mar4:00 p.m.#18 – Daily Gems Mystery Bounty$16.50$12,000
 6:00 p.m.#19 – Daily Gems MB Big or Small Special$22$10,000
 6:00 p.m.#20 – Mystery Bounty Mini$5.50$5,000
Sat 22 Mar4:00 p.m.#21 – Daily Gems PKO 6-Max$16.50$10,000
 5:00 p.m.#22 – PLO6 Special$11$1,500
 5:00 p.m.#23 – PKO 6-Max Mini$5.50$2,500
 6:00 p.m.#24 – Daily Gems Mystery Bounty 6-Max Special$22$10,000
Sun 23 Mar3:00 p.m.#25 – DeepStack Special$33$12,000
 4:00 p.m.#26 – Mystery Bunty$16.50$20,000
 6:00 p.m.#27 – PKO High Roller$55$30,000
 6:00 p.m.#28 – MB Big or Small Special$22$13,000
 7:00 p.m.#29 – Mystery Bounty Mini$5.50$8,000
Mon 24 Mar4:00 p.m.#30 – Daily Gems PKO$16.50$10,000
 6:00 p.m.#31 – Daily Gems Mystery Bounty Special$33$10,000
 9:00 p.m.#32 – Mystery Bounty Mini Event$3.50$10,000
 9:30 p.m.#33 – Mystery Bounty Main Event$25$100,000
Mon 25 Mar4:00 p.m.#34 – Daily Gems Closing Event MB$16.50$12,000
 6:00 p.m.#35 – MB Big or Small Special$2.20$2,000
 6:00 p.m.#36 – Daily Gems Closing Event MB Mini$8.80$5,000
 7:00 p.m.#33 – Mystery Bounty Main Event Final Table  
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Matthew Pitt
Senior Editor

Matthew Pitt hails from Leeds, West Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom, and has worked in the poker industry since 2008, and worked for PokerNews since 2010. In September 2010, he became the editor of PokerNews. Matthew stepped away from live reporting duties in 2015, and now concentrates on his role of Senior Editor for the PokerNews.

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