WATCH: PokerStars’ Top 5 Poker Table Nightmares

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You win some, you lose some. And at the poker tables, with some players, you’ll never hear the end of it.

Here’s a few of those instances, courtesy of PokerStars.

5. The Victim

In a star-studded episode of Poker After Dark, Phil Hellmuth, Jr., Patrik Antonius, Tom Dwan and Phil Ivey saw and action flop of 1097, giving Hellmuth top set with his 1010 and Ivey a straight with 86.

Ivey bet $8,000 and only Hellmuth called, bringing the 2 on the turn. Ivey led again, this time for $23,000, and Hellmuth went all in for $80,300. Ivey immediately called.

Hellmuth begged to get reverse insurance on his hand, but negotiations fell though, due in some part to the urgency of Daniel Negreanu at the other end of the table.

The river brought the 3 and Hellmuth bricked out. In standard Phil fashion, he began to stew over his top set running into a straight. The cuss words were flying, and Ivey called for cocktails as he stacked his new chips.

4. The Drinker

Madis Muur and a visibly drunk Roger Teska got into a raising war prefop, with Muur eventually four-betting with QQ and Teska calling with J9 after struggling to count his chips he handed over to the dealer.

Muur was way ahead and stayed that way on the 10109 flop. Muur bet 202,000 and Teska called, bringing the 7 on the turn to give Teska a gutshot. Both checked.

Muur went for value with a bet of 377,000 on the 4 river. Teska, slurring his words, tried to get Muur to convince him to call while pulling a drink up from the table. The announcers thought he'd already been cut off.

Teska called, losing almost a million in chips to Muur, and ended things with an "oops" before going back to his drink.

The Motormouth

A Vanessa Selbst and William Kassouf faceoff only means fun for us. Selbst raised preflop and Kassouf called. Kassouf asked Selbst if she had a pair and she said it was possible.

The flop: A83

Selbst bet 1,600. Kassouf called it a "standard c-bet," and began his usual talk, looking to see if he had the ace he needed to continue the hand. Or so he said.

He proceeded to say he got lucky and that he thinks she has king-queen. He then started getting real chatty about the size of the pot, asking Selbst if she wants to play a small pot or a large pot. She responded, "Medium."

So he raised. She folded, telling him to show the jack-five. He showed the J9.

He continued talking, explaining his move to those across the table and Selbst questioned whether he really thought he had the best hand. He said he needed to see where he was and that was it.

The Tanker

Patrick Clarke held K10 and was dominated by the KQ of Gilles Bernies preflop. However, the flop brought 510K, shifting Clarke into the lead.

Bernies was breathing hard on screen, and finally checked. Clarke bet 175,000.

Still breathing hard, Bernies looked at his cards again before he called. The 4 on the turn produced another check from Bernies. Clarke checked behind.

The Q river sent Bernies back in front with the better two pair, but he took his time before electing to check again! Clarke value-bet 425,000 and was stunned to see he had the losing hand when Bernies tank-called. Bernies was then called out for taking too long on his actions.

The Expert

At the start of the video, Bertrand "ElkY" Grospellier takes a horrible river beat holding A2 against Magnus Petersson's 33 on a board of 710223.

Petersson goes on to tell a destroyed Grospellier that he "shouldn't play bad aces."

Watch on for more instances with Marcel Luske, the lecturer, and Mark Teltscher, the teacher. You know it's going to be good when someone says, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

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