PokerStars SCOOP Event #4-Hi: 'PokerKai' Wins Turbo NL Affair

The PokerStars All-Stakes Spring Championship of Online Poker (SCOOP) Event #4-Hi was a $1,575 NL Hold'em 2X Chance turbo affair. There were 552 entrants and 282 second-chance rebuys, resulting in a prize pool of $1,251,000 with first-place prize of $237,690. Notables falling shy of the final table include tomgus456 in 10th ($15,012), govshark2 in 11th ($15,012), James "" Mackey in 13th ($12,510) and Anthony "holdplz" Spinella in 14th ($12,510). The chip counts as the final table began were as follows:
PokerKai — 1,355,102
gibralter11 — 698,534
Shawn "buck21" Buchanan — 499,847
Jonathan "xxjondxx" Delong — 444,238
Matt "ch0ppy" Kay — 394,207
Chowdahhead4 — 287,514
yayaya — 181,739
Yo Burger — 159,889
Clayton "slammedfire" Mozdzen — 148,930
In each of four consecutive hands a player busted. Chowdahhead4 was the first to exit, at the 17,500/35,000/4,375 level. Matt "ch0ppy" Kay shoved from middle position and Chowdahhead4 called all in from the big blind for 224,389 with A♣K♠. Kay held 10♦9♥ and emerged as the winner when the board fell 7♥Q♥7♣10♥3♦. Chowdahhead4 took $20,766.60 for ninth place. The following hand, Clayton "slammedfire" Mozdzen's last 75,805 was in the middle with A♦4♠ against gibralter11's K♦Q♠. The board ran out 3♦K♠6♠4♥7♦ and Mozdzen was out in eighth place for $28,147.50.
The next player out was yayaya, after moving all in for 92,364. Both PokerKai and gibralter11 called, checking down a 2♠Q♦Q♠9♥9♣ board. PokerKai tabled K♠10♠ and it was good enough to win the pot and eliminate yayaya in seventh place for $40,657.50. Jonathan "xxjondxx" Delong departed after an under-the-gun shove for 355,488. Matt "ch0ppy" Kay called from the big blind with A♣10♠ and had Delong's A♥4♥ in dire straits. The community cards came 10♥3♠7♠4♦K♥ and Delong's tournament was over with in sixth place for $53,167.50.
At 20,000/40,000/5,000, Yo Burger made a stand with A♦4♥, but ran into PokerKai's A♥9♥. The board fell Q♠9♣10♥9♠3♣ and Yo Burger exited in fifth place with $68,805. The 25,000/50,000/6,250 level was when gibralter11 hit the rail. Under the gun, gibralter11 shipped it in for 373,558 with Q♦J♣ and Shawn "buck21" Buchanan called on the button with A♥J♠. The board ran out 7♥K♥4♦A♣K♠ and gibralter11 came up short, finishing in fourth place for $97,578.
Matt "ch0ppy" Kay bowed out in third place during 30,000/60,000/7,500 play. PokerKai had the button and min-raised to 120,000. Kay was in the small blind and went all in for 1,038,444. Shawn Buchanan folded in the big blind and PokerKai called with A♥10♣, having Kay's K♥10♠ dominated. The board rolled out 5♦5♣10♦7♦2♥ as Kay was the third-place finisher for $128,227.50.
These were the chip counts to start heads-up play:
Shawn "buck21" Buchanan — 1,045,552
PokerKai — 3,124,448
Buchanan pulled the match to all square when he flopped a full house with J♣10♣. The flop came 10♥10♦J♠ and luckily for Buchanan, PokerKai had 10♠7♠. The duel lasted another two levels before PokerKai took it down at 60,000/120,000/15,000. Buchanan shoved for 1,311,759 on the button and PokerKai called with A♣8♦, leading Buchanan's 7♠6♥. The board ran out J♥K♣3♣2♥Q♣ and Buchanan finished as runner-up, taking home $175,140, with PokerKai winning SCOOP event #4-high for $237,690.
Final Results:
1. PokerKai — $237,690
2. Shawn "buck21" Buchanan — $175,140
3. Matt "ch0ppy" Kay — $128,227.50
4. gibralter11 — $97,578
5. Yo Burger — $68,805
6. Jonathan "xxjondxx" Delong — $53,167.50
7. yayaya — $40,657.50
8. Clayton "slammedfire" Mozdzen — $28,147.50
9. Chowdahhead4 — $20,766.60