And not wishing to deprive the final 32 players of their rest, we have ground to a halt. They're all in the money, but there's a lot still to play for.
They will be returning to restart play tomorrow at 2 pm UK time, and that's when live coverage will kick off once again.
Holding the mutt's nuts
On the very last hand of the night, we found ourselves in a three-way dance with Dominic Kay, Will Durkee, and Marcello Marigliano -- all tangling as the clock reached zero.
The action started with Marcello raising to 13k from mid-position. Dominic called from the cutoff and Will followed suit in the small blind.
Flop =
Will checked, Marcello bet 16k and Dominic called. Will then reraised to 36k.
Deep in thought, Marcello opted for a fold (although he accidentally flipped in the process), as did Dominic, again with a dwell.
As the title suggests, William Durkee finished with the night with the nuts, John Tabatabai revealing that he folded a seven as Will showed for the top full house.
Erick Lindgren gets all his money in the middle against Marcello Marigliano with . E-Dog hits his king to double through but is still on a very short stack.
Eye of the tiger
As William Durkee informs the table of how (1) the average stack on the featured table is massive compared to down here and (2) there was barely a hand that went by without Patrik or Gus splashing their chips around, John Tabatabai queitly sneaks in a preflop raise of 12k.
Still chatting -- as is, by this time, the initial raiser -- Durkee casually makes the call as if it's small change. Meanwhile, the rather more focused image of young James Keys decides to put his fellow third-generation PokerStars to the test with a reraise to 38k.
James' timing was clearly spot on, his two opponents folding quicker than a hare on rollerskates.
Tournament Director Steve Frezer has just announced that play will conclude at the end of this level (another 22 minutes), at which stage players will bag up their chips and return for play tomorrow at 2 pm.