2007 World Series of Poker Europe (WSOPE)

Event 3 - £10,000 No-Limit Holdem Main Event
Day: 5
Event Info

2007 World Series of Poker Europe (WSOPE)

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

PokerNews Video: Annette Obrestad - Winner

We got to chat with Annette Obrestad minutes after becoming the youngest bracelet winner ever, the winningest female in WSOP history, and the first female to win a $10k+ buy-in event. When asked which of those enormous accomplishments meant the most, Annette could not hide her glowing grin when replying "the bracelet."

Click here to check out the interview with Annette, along with all the other videos from this event.

Tags: Annette ObrestadAnnette_15PokerNews Video

Event 3 - £10,000 No-Limit Holdem Main Event

Day 5 Completed


As Annette was presented the trophy, Jeffrey Pollock invited her to say a few words, but perhaps being slightly shyer than the likes of Matusow, Hellmuth and co, she just shook her head and accepted her prize.

A silent assassin if ever I saw one.

Tags: Annette

Congrats to the Youngest WSOP Bracelet Winner

The youngest WSOP bracelet winner.... Annette_15
The youngest WSOP bracelet winner.... Annette_15
It was a tender moment. Moments before the dealer dealt the river cad, Annette_15 put her hands together. It looked like she was praying. After she won the hand, there was a few moments when TD Jack Effel had to verify the chip counts to make sure she was indeed the champion. They counted down John Tabatabai's stack. He had less chip than Anette_15, which meant she won the main event and at 19-years old, she became the youngest person to ever win a WSOP bracelet.

She wore sunglasses so we couldn't see her eyes, but I'm pretty sure she was overwhelmed as she fought back tears. She's had been considered one of the best online tournament players in the world. And she proved that she can also play in a live setting.

Cograts to Annette Obrestad, the "Queen of Europe," for outlasting one of the toughest fields in the history of the WSOP.

Final Table Money Winners:
1 - Annette Obrestad - £1,000,000
2 - John Tabatabai - £570,150
3 - Matthew McCullough - £381,910
4 - Oyvind Riisem - £257,020
5 - Johannes Korsar - £191,860
6 - Dominic Kay - £152,040
7 - Magnus Persson - £114,030
8 - Theo Jorgensen - £85,070
9 - James Keys - £61,540

Tags: Annette_15

The Best Female Poker Player in Europe? Or Just the Best Player?

Annette was crying with joy when she realised she had taken the bracelet. One onlooker congratulated her for being the first female to win a WSOP Main Event - which is something of a controversial compliment. Annette "Annette_15" Obrestad is the best online MTT player in the world right now, and has proved her ability on the world stage - her gender is irrelevant, her talent undeniable.

Hand #211 - Annette Obrestad Wins the 2007 WSOPE Main Event, John Tabatabai Eliminated in 2nd Place

Winning Hand
Winning Hand
John Tabatabai has the button. He calls, Obrestad raises to 100,000 and Tabatabai calls. The flop is {7-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{5-Hearts}. Obrestad bets 250,000, Tabatabai raises to 750,000, Obrestad moves all in and Tabatabai calls. Tabatabai shows {5-Spades}{6-Diamonds} for two pair, but Obrestad has top set with {7-Hearts}{7-Spades}. The turn is the {2-Clubs}, and Tabatabai is drawing dead. The river is the {Q-Hearts}.

Jack Effel pauses play to count down the stacks to see if Obrestad's stack covers Tabatabai's. It does indeed, and Annette Obrestad wins the 2007 WSOPE Main Event, earning £1,000,000! John Tabatabai is our runner-up and will take home £570,150.

Tags: Annette ObrestadJohn Tabatabai

Hand #209 - Annette Obrestad

John Tabatabai has the button. He calls and Obrestad checks. The flop is {10-Spades}{5-Hearts}{4-Spades}. Tabatabai bets 40,000 and Obrestad calls. The turn is the {K-Clubs}. Both players check. The river is the {Q-Hearts}. Obrestad bets 110,000 and Tabatabai calls. Obrestad shows the {7-Spades}{7-Clubs} and wins the pot.
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