Knaves for De Wolfe
Hand #43: Dan Fleyshman called Ronald Lee's 65k preflop raise.
. Both players checked.
Turn: . Check to Fleyshman who bet 50k; Lee called.
RIver: . A fast double check led to showdown - both players held pocket pairs but Lee's
pipped Fleyshman's
to take the pot.
Hand #44: Nicolas Levi opened for 72k, to pick up some blinds and antes.
Hand #45: Four flat callers in this one (big blind Fleyshman checking his option).
. Everyone checked.
Turn: . Ron Lee bet 69k, de Wolfe now called, while Fleyshman and Bord got out of the way.
River: . Lee now bet out 115k and de Wolfe instacalled with
. This was in front of Lee (who also had two pair, we think Tens although the hand was mucked quickly on the feature table), so de Wolfe wins a fairly big pot.