World Series of Poker Europe 2010

Event #3: £1,075 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1c
Event Info

World Series of Poker Europe 2010

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
300 / 600

Early All-In

With a 3,000 starting stack, it doesn't take too long for the chips to hit the middle, as was the case for online sensation Justin Smith. On this occasion, however, it was an intriguing overbet against Nikolay Edvakov that led to the all-in.

With the Russian opening for 100 from the hijack, Smith made the call from the button leading to a {J-Diamonds}{A-Clubs}{6-Spades} flop where Edvakov made a continuation bet of 100. Smith called.

Both players checked the {7-Spades} turn, but after Edvakov had checked the {10-Diamonds} river, Smith moved all in for 2,550! Despite his suspicions, Edvakov made the fold.

Tags: Nikolay EdvakovJustin Smith

Tann tamed

Willie Tann just laid down top pair to Rob Cooper saying it was "Too early". After a 125 raise four players saw a {q-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{j-Spades} flop where Tann led for 225 from the SB. The two other players involved folded but Cooper moved all-in for his last 2,000. Tann tanked but folded, flashing the {q-Hearts}. Cooper did him the good service of showing the {q-Spades} before raking in the pot.

Tags: Willie Tann

Big Pimpin'

Nicolas Levi, occasionally known to us as the "Hatpimp" just scooped up a nice little pot, getting paid off on the river of a {J-Hearts} {10-Clubs} {10-Diamonds} {8-Diamonds} {K-Diamonds} board when his flopped full house holding of {J-Spades} {10-Spades} was paid off by his opponent's {K-Hearts} {9-Diamonds}

Levi up to about 3,500. Slow and steady wins the race.

Tags: Nicolas Levi

Grinder Here To Grind

"I wish I could move to that table, that's dead money right there, 3,000 chips worth," said Mke Matusow as Michael "The Grinder" Mizrachi sat down on the table adjacent to him.

"I'll tell you what, I'll swap 5% with you if you make it through to the fourth level, if you make it through to there then you're probably good, just don't try and Chino me."

Matusow then regaled a tale of when he offered to swap 5% with Chino (we're assuming Rheem) if the latter made it through the first four levels, Matusow went on to win the tournament but Rheem never got 5% because he did not make it through the fourth level.

Tags: Michael MizrachiMike Matusow

The Comedy Channel

Devilfish earlier in the Series.
Devilfish earlier in the Series.

More gags than a Bob Monkhouse notebook on one table here today as Devilfish and Neil Channing keep the table amused with their endless banter.

"I bought my son an ipod recently," regaled Devilfish, "my daughter an iphone, and myself an ipad. I didn't want to leave the wife out thought so I got her an iron."

Neil Channing - 3,100
Devilfish - 4,500

My spider senses inform that this is could be one of the more entertaining tables.

Tags: DevilfishNeil Channing

Level: 2

Blinds: 25/50

Ante: 0

Building Blochs

While the small stacks are great for whittling down the players quickly, it becomes very tough for anyone who loses even the first pot. Witness Andy Bloch who just pushed all-in over the top of a Steve Jelinek raise for 750 total getting the PLO8 bracelet winner this year off the hand.

Bloch has 850 now, baby steps on the way back up.

Tags: Andy BlochSteve Jelinek

Stay a Little Longer

Willie Tann was heads-up with Simon Mairs and the board was at the turn stage reading {a-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{5-Clubs}. Mairs checked from the blinds and Tann said "Okay, let's go home" and tossed in his last 1,000 chips. Mairs mucked quickly so it look like Tann will be hanging around for a while. He's on 1,700 chips.

Tags: Willie Tann

Matusow Moans About Missing Mixed Magic

Mike Matusow has been waxing lyrically about the WSOPE. He seems to be fairly disappointed over the lack of a HORSE event or a mixed 8-game at this year's series. He also stated that he would like to see more of the big online tournament series events to become two day events as the hours seem ridiculous to him.

Tags: Mike Matusow

I Saw The Nine And It Opened Up My Eyes

We don't know if Fabrice Soulier is a big Ace of Base fan but he's just received a full double up back over his starting stack by winning a crucial flip.

There was an early position raise to 150 and Soulier made the call in the small blind with 1,400 behind. The big blind then moved all-in and the original raiser folded. The Frenchman debated making the call, finally putting all his chips in with {9-Clubs} {9-Diamonds} against the big blind's {A-Hearts} {Q-Spades}.

Indicating to the original raiser he said, "I hope you folded an ace."

The board came {9-Hearts} {K-Clubs} {6-Diamonds} {4-Spades} {A-Clubs} and Soulier's trip aces scooped the pot to put him back up to 3,300.

Tags: Fabrice Soulier