World Series of Poker Europe 2010

Event #1: £2,650 Six-Handed No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

World Series of Poker Europe 2010

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
8,000 / 16,000

Flushed Out

"I lost to the boss," reported James 'Royal Flush' Dempsey who has just been eliminated from the event. "I pushed for 14 bigs with {Q-Hearts}{8-Hearts} and Phil [Ivey] looked me up with {A-}{9-}. It's one all though because I knocked him out of the 10K Hi-Low in the Series."

Tags: James DempseyPhil Ivey

Bansi Up, Hellmuth Down

The flop was {K-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{2-Spades} when Praz Bansi called a bet of 750 in position on his opponent to see the {4-Spades} fall on the turn. Both players checked fourth street and that brought them to see the {9-Clubs} hit the river. The first player checked and Bansi fired 1,250. His opponent folded and Bansi scooped the pot.

Upon a chip count of Bansi's stack after the hand, he's up to about 43,000. Bansi recently moved to Phil Hellmuth's table, who had nearly 30,000 a little while ago. When we looked at his stack after Bansi won this pot, Hellmuth only had 9,725. Seeing as Bansi came to the table with about 25,000 or so, it figures that he took a few chips off Hellmuth.

Tags: Praz BansiPhil Hellmuth

Howard's Way

A super short-stacked Howard Lederer has just managed to become a mere averagely short-stack.

He had called Michael Mizrachi's open from the big blind before check-raising all-in on a {10-Hearts} {7-Diamonds} {4-} board. Mizrachi made obligatory call with {8-Spades} {6-Spades} for the double gutshot, behind to Lederer's {K-Spades} {10-Spades} and failed to catch a nine or five on the {10-Clubs} turn and {8-Diamonds} river.

Lederer is back up to 6,000 while Mizrachi still has about 15,000.

Tags: Howard LedererMichael Mizrachi

Bjorin Takes One From Ivey

Ivey button raised to 500 and Chris Bjorin defended in the big blind. Bjorin then check-called a bet of 600 on the {9-Hearts}{Q-Spades}{4-Clubs} flop before checking down the {10-Diamonds} turn and leading out for 800 on the {Q-Hearts} river. Ivey immediately made the fold.

Despite this setback, Ivey is still flying high with 27,500.

Tags: Chris BjorinPhil Ivey

News From Afar

There are three tables tucked in the far corner of the lower floor, and we decided to park there for a few minutes to see what's what. The first thing we noticed was the conspicuous absence of JP Kelly, the aforementioned Brit with both a WSOP and a WSOPE bracelet to his name. Also of note is the fact that table mate Rui Cao's stack has been boosted up to about 28,000 since our last look-in, though we're not sure if those two stories are directly related or not.

We also see that the Bansi/Hellmuth pairing continues to be a bit of a mismatch in the chip stack department, and there's a general look of disdain on The Brat's face. Bansi is fighting being ~48,000 chips now at his new table, while Helllmuth has been more or less sitting tight with his 8,925 chips. As we were counting Bansi down, we watched him three-bet from 500 to 1,225 from the small blind. The initial raiser came right back over the top with a four-bet to 2,900 total, and Bansi checked his cards several times before letting it go. There'll be a lot more three-betting from Bansi this evening if history is any indication.

Tags: JP KellyPhil HellmuthPraz Bansi

Professor Profit

Crikey, Howard Lederer is seeing more action that a vest-clad Bruce Willis at this moment.

Having got up to 6,000 through a double up, it seems he had lost more than half his stack. There was a raise to 425 before the cutoff reraised to 850 and Lederer pushed all-in for around 2,300 total on the button.

The hijack folded and the cutoff sheepishly called with {Q-Hearts} {2-Hearts} behind of course to Lederer's {A-Hearts} {J-Spades}. The board came {K-Spades} {A-Diamonds} {2-Spades} {5-Clubs} {4-Diamonds} and Lederer definitely, definitely has 6,000 now. That is, until he dives back into the action like the John McClane figure he is turning into.

Tags: Howard Lederer

Counts from Upstairs

Player Chips Progress
Phil Ivey us
Phil Ivey
WSOP 11X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
WPT 1X Winner
Full Tilt
Phil Laak us
Phil Laak
WSOP 1X Winner
Allen Cunningham us
Allen Cunningham
WSOP 5X Winner
Full Tilt
Liv Boeree gb
Liv Boeree
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
Chad Brown us
Chad Brown
Vanessa Rousso us
Vanessa Rousso
Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
WSOP 1X Winner
WPT 1X Winner
Chris Bjorin se
Chris Bjorin
WSOP 2X Winner
James Akenhead gb
James Akenhead
Full Tilt
Tony Cousineau us
Tony Cousineau
Full Tilt
Toby Lewis gb
Toby Lewis
WSOP 1X Winner
EPT 1X Winner
James Collopy
James Collopy
John Cernuto us
John Cernuto
WSOP 3X Winner
Full Tilt
Scott Fischman
Scott Fischman
Full Tilt

Lisandro Needs a Ruling

Jeff Lisandro
Jeff Lisandro

We were counting chips at the center table when a little pot unfolded in front of us. Jeff Lisandro was heads up, and he and his opponent checked through a flop of {9-Hearts} {9-Clubs} {A-Hearts}. On the {A-Clubs} turn, Lisandro led out with 675 chips, and his opponent quickly matched the bet. The {Q-Clubs} filled out the board, and Lisandro tapped the table. When his opponent checked it back, Lisandro said, "I'm playing the board." The other player's {K-Spades} {4-Clubs} was the winner, then, and Lisandro nodded as he returned his cards to the muck.

"Hey wait. What's the rule there?" he asked. The table looked around at each other, a bit confused. "What's the rule there?" Lisandro repeated. "If I bluff and you call, do you win?" The dealer chuckled and Lisandro let out a big belly laugh, clearly in good spirits. He's got the chips to be chipper too; the un-hatted Aussie is sitting with about 27,000 now.

Tags: Jeff Lisandro

Sandstorm for Camel

"Two pounds for peanuts they're charging here!" sighed Keith 'The Camel' Hawkins as he propped up the bar with Lord Dempsey, but I soon found out that's Hawkins' disgruntlement went way beyond the peanut situation.

"I did 23,000 in three consecutive hands," he revealed.

I shall now cease quoting, in order to make the tale easier to regale.

On the first hand, Hawkins called a raise to 450 from the big blind with {6-Clubs}{5-Clubs} before hitting a monster flop of {8-Clubs}{7-Diamonds}{A-Clubs}. He then check-raised a continuation bet of 800 to 2,200 before calling an 8,050 shove. His opponent had {A-}{5-} which held up on a {7-} turn and {2-} river.

The next hand saw James Sudworth open for 450 and Hawkins bump it up to 1,400 in the small blind with Big Slick. Sudworth shoved for 6,000 and Hawkins made the call to find he was coin-flipping against queens. On this occasion, however, his coin was buttered the wrong side as despite a bullet on the flop, a third lady hit the turn to double Sudworth up.

Sudworth was once again the villain as Hawkins finally hit the rail, running pocket jacks into the cowboys of his foe. No further knaves and like a roasted marshmellow over a camp fire, Hawkins was done.

The peanuts provided the final straw.

Tags: James SudworthKeith Hawkins