World Series of Poker Europe 2010

Event #1: £2,650 Six-Handed No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 1
Event Info

World Series of Poker Europe 2010

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
8,000 / 16,000

Grinded Down

Michael Mizrachi three-bet all in with {10-}{10-}, but came unstuck against {A-Clubs}{7-Clubs} which improved to a flush. He may have won the Poker Players Championship during the Summer, but he'll have to wait a few more days before winning his next bracelet.

Tags: Michael Mizrachi

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We're getting input from the pros on this question too, and we'd love to include some of your responses in a video on the subject. So Facebook us and give us your thoughts!

Tags: Facebook

More Ivey Effect

Phil Ivey
Phil Ivey

A little while back, we featured an article called The Ivey Effect discussing how Phil Ivey influences the poker world like no one else. Well, just a moment ago there was another instance of that influence in effect.

One of the players at his table, Willie Tann, said to Ivey, "Hey Phil, when you're done can I have your hat?"

Ivey moved his headphones from his ears and perked his head up.

"When you're finished, can I have your hat?" Tann asked a second time.

Ivey looked confused for a second and then shrugged his shoulders and nodded.

"It's for a friend of mine, he'd really love it," said Tann.

Ivey smiled looking as though he was wondering why anyone would want his used Full Tilt Poker hat. Either way, he said it'd be fine. Tann then turned towards the rail behind him and yelled over to his friend that he was able to lock up the hat for him. The railbird looked simply amazed and was astonished at what was to come. Ivey smiled.

"He's one of your biggest fans," Tann said to Ivey.

Tags: Phil IveyWIllie Tann

Ivey Chops One

A player moved all in from middle position for 2,025. Phil Ivey was in the small blind and reraised to 4,000, knocking the big blind out of the way in order to isolate against the all-in player. Ivey held the {A-Spades}{3-Spades} and his at-risk opponent the {A-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}.

The board ran out {A-Hearts}{8-Spades}{7-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{2-Spades} and the two players chopped up the pot.

Tags: Phil Ivey

Less Tables, Moorman

With my section upstairs whittled down to just the one table, I found myself watching online whiz Chris Moorman at the felt. A very quiet player at the table, he seemed fairly active without going over the top, raising once a round and putting in the occasional three bet from the blinds.

On one hand he raised to 1,400 preflop and another aggressive player called from the small blind. The flop rolled out {Q-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{7-Spades} and Moorman made a continuation bet of 2,400 which was subsequently called.

Both players checked the {J-Hearts} turn, and although he appeared tempted to fire a shot, Moorman checked the {9-Diamonds} river. Much to his relief, his opponent announced "Ace high" and Moorman won the pot with {5-Diamonds}{5s].

Moorman is currently going great guns with around 50,000 in chips.

Tags: Chris Moorman

Abrahams' Fattened Cao

In what looked like a big pot between Rui Cao and Javed Abrahams, the Frenchman fired out 6,000 on the {10-Hearts} {4-Hearts} {J-Clubs} flop. Abrahams check-called this bet then another 11,850 on the {6-Hearts} turn.

The river was the {5-Hearts} and Abrahams checked a third time, Cao reached deep and fired out 17,800 but again Abrahams made the call, though not until after some serious thinking.

Cao tapped the table and was forced to show {7-Diamonds} {5-Hearts} and Abrahams turned over a winning non-heart pair of {Q-Clubs} {Q-Diamonds} which brought a tap of the table from Phil Laak as well.

Tags: Javed AbrahamsRui Cao

Boeree Snaps Off Cao

Rui Cao - all but out
Rui Cao - all but out

Rui Cao opened the pot to 1,550 from the cutoff seat, and Liv Boeree three-bet from the small blind. Cao called, and they went heads up to a {A-Hearts} {K-Diamonds} {9-Clubs} flop. The action check-checked, and Boeree checked again on the raggy {2-Hearts} turn. Cao took his cue to bet 6,100 at the pot, and Boeree looked him up with the call.

That brought them to the {9-Hearts} river, and Cao's last 22,000 chips all went into the middle. That sent Boeree deep into the tank, and it would take several minutes before she quietly announced a call.

"Call?!" Cao asked, a bit surprised. Liv nodded, and Cao simply mucked his hand and stood up to leave. Boeree showed the {K-Hearts} {10-Spades} to win the pot as Cao was already a few steps from his chair. The table called him back, though, as he had Boeree covered. Still, he's left with a remainder of just 3,800 in funny money to play with.

From 80,000 to less than four in just a half hour.

Tags: Liv BoereeRui Cao

Kenney Takes Another from Behling

From under the gun, Bryn Kenney made it 1,400 to go and was called by Nico Behling in the big blind. The two players checked the {A-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} flop to see the {A-Hearts} fall on the turn. Both players checked again and the {Q-Diamonds} fell on the river. Behling checked the final card and Kenney fired 3,200. Behling folded and Kenney won the pot.

Tags: Nico BehlingBryn Kenney

Checking In with Ivey

Phil Ivey
Phil Ivey

Here's a couple hands from our recent venture over to Phil Ivey's table. We know it's not much, but we also know everyone's eats up Ivey coverage.

On the first hand we saw, Ivey raised to 1,500 from the cutoff seat and everyone folded. He picked up the blinds and antes.

On the next hand, Ivey was under the gun (his table was five handed) and raised to 1,500. The player who had asked for his hat earlier, Willie Tann, reraised to 4,500 from the button and everyone folded, including Mr. Ivey.

On the next hand, that same player that three-bet Ivey on the previous hand, raised to 1,600 from the cutoff seat. Ivey moved all in for about 11,000 from the big blind and won the pot.

Tags: Phil IveyWIllie Tann