2024 WSOP Europe

Event #13: €10,350 Main Event NLH European Championship
Day: 1b
Event Info

2024 WSOP Europe

Event Info
Prize Pool
Players Left
Average Chip Stack
Total Chips
Level Info
3,000 / 6,000
Players Info - Day 1b
Players Left

Paduano Best In Four-Way Three-Bet Pot

Level 4 : Blinds 300/600, 600 ante
Arturo Paduano
Arturo Paduano

Markus Lehner raised to 1,2000 under the gun and Abdullah Selcuk called in the hijack. Arturo Paduano also tossed in calling chips in the cutoff before big blind Niklas Astedt three-bet to 7,000.

Undeterred, all three players called, after which Astedt checked the 8J4 flop. Lehner also checked, after which Selcuk bet 8,800.

Paduano made the call while Astedt and Lehner quickly got out of the way, holding AQ and Q10 respectively.

The 6 turn slowed down Selcuk. who checked it to Paduano. Paduano fired 18,200 in the middle, which Selcuk called after some thinking time.

The 3 river was quickly checked down. Selcuk tabled 108 for a pair of eights with a missed flush draw.

Paduano showed down AJ for top pair, taking down the massive pot and leaving Selcuk with a quarter of a starting stack.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Arturo Paduano it
Arturo Paduano
Profile photo of Markus Lehner de
Markus Lehner
Profile photo of Niklas Astedt se
Niklas Astedt
Profile photo of Abdullah Selcuk tr
Abdullah Selcuk

Mikaliunas Six-Bet Jams, Hissou Calls

Level 3 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante
Sirzat Hissou
Sirzat Hissou

Paulius Mikaliunas opened the action with a raise to 1,200 from under the gun. Erik van Hulst then three-bet to 3,500 on the button, which Sirzat Hissou cold called in the big blind.

Mikaliunas did not deem that enough and reraised to 12,000. Van Hulst called the four-bet before Hissou back-raised to 40,000.

Mikaliunas spent some time in the tank, after which he jammed all in for 100,300. Van Hulst quickly folded but Hissou snap called to a showdown.

Paulius Mikaliunas: AA All in
Sirzat Hissou: KK

The ultimate cooler had occurred, and the 87QQ2 board brought no salvation for Hissou. He paid Mikaliunas his double-up and was left with 21,000, which he would lose not much later to be eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Paulius Mikaliunas lt
Paulius Mikaliunas
Profile photo of Rokas Asipauskas lt
Rokas Asipauskas
Profile photo of Erik van Hulst nl
Erik van Hulst
Profile photo of Mathis Nehring de
Mathis Nehring
Profile photo of Milos Petakovic rs
Milos Petakovic
Profile photo of Sirzat Hissou de
Sirzat Hissou
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Erik van HulstPaulius MikaliunasSirzat Hissou

Blom Doubles With Sevens

Level 3 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante
Viktor Blom
Viktor Blom

When it folded to Viktor Blom on the button he jammed for roughly 18,000 and was called by David Wintersberger out of the big blind.

Viktor Blom: 77 All in
David Wintersberger: A4

Blom's walking sticks held up on the 64JJ10 runout and he stayed alive in the tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of David Wintersberger de
David Wintersberger
Profile photo of Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom

Tags: David WintersbergerViktor Blom

Selcuk Wins With Seven-Deuce

Level 3 : Blinds 300/500, 500 ante
Abdullah Selcuk
Abdullah Selcuk

Abdullah Selcuk raised his small blind to 1,200 and was called by Arturo Paduano in the big blind. The 27A flop was checked through before Selcuk tossed in a bet of 1,400 on the 4 turn.

Paduano called to the 7 river. Selcuk added 3,300 more to the pot and Paduano quickly matched the bet. Selcuk tabled 72 for a full house, besting the 1010 Paduano had.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Arturo Paduano it
Arturo Paduano
Profile photo of Abdullah Selcuk tr
Abdullah Selcuk

Tags: Abdullah SelcukArturo Paduano

Mustafov's Huge Overbet Gets a Fold From Frey

Level 2 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Fahredin Mustafov
Fahredin Mustafov

Fahredin Mustafov raised to 1,000 from early position with Janne Nevalainen calling from the hijack. Maik Frey then three-bet to 2,200 out of the small blind, which only Mustafov called.

Frey bet 3,000 on the A36 flop and Mustafov called.

The J turn saw both players check and the Q dropped on the river. Frey checked and Mustafov put out an overbet of 28,000. Frey thought it over for roughly a minute before he settled on a fold.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Fahredin Mustafov bg
Fahredin Mustafov
Profile photo of Maik Frey de
Maik Frey
Profile photo of Janne Nevalainen fi
Janne Nevalainen

Tags: Fahredin MustafovJanne NevalainenMaik Frey

Hoang Rivers Broadway, Bosen Pays Off

Level 2 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Hoang Phan
Hoang Phan

Hoang Phan had pumped it up to 4,600 preflop after an open and both Fabian Scherle & Peter Bosen had made the call to take it to the streets.

On the K7A flop, Scherle checked and Phan bet 5,500. Bosen quickly called, and Scherle folded.

The 6 on the turn drew another bet from Phan, this time for 11,000. Again, Bosen wasted no time in calling

A 10 completed the runout and Phan kept up the trend of betting extremely quickly by firing 25,000. Bosen didn't imitate the speed of Phan's play, and had to slow down a bit to think this one over. After rechecking his cards, Bosen tossed in a blue chip, worth 25,000, and called.

Phan then tabled the nuts with QJ, and Bosen flashed AQ for top pair before the dealer turned it over.

"He had the right idea, he knew you were full of it," said one of the table to Phan, who didn't seem to care as he raked in the pot, which boosted his stack to around 135,000.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Hoang Phan cz
Hoang Phan
Profile photo of Fabian Scherle ch
Fabian Scherle
Profile photo of Peter Bosen de
Peter Bosen

Tags: Fabian ScherleHoang PhanPeter Bosen

Marquet's Set Has Blom Drawing Dead

Level 2 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Mike Marquet
Mike Marquet

Mike Marquet had bet 2,500 from the button on a flop of KQ4. Viktor Blom raised to 8,500 from the big blind and Mike Marquet put in another raise to 18,500. Blom called.

Blom checked the 2 turn and Marquet bet 25,000. Blom jammed for Marquet's remaining 40,000 and Marquet snap-called.

Mike Marquet: QQ All in
Viktor Blom: Q4

Blom had flopped two pair but was drawing dead to the set of queens that Marquet held. The irrelevant K came on the river and Marquet had doubled up through Blom.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Mike Marquet be
Mike Marquet
Profile photo of Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom

Tags: Mike MarquetViktor Blom

Lehner Wins Battle of Overpairs

Level 2 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante
Markus Lehner
Markus Lehner

Panagiotis Oikonomou in the small blind and Markus Lehner in the cutoff had created a pot of 10,400 when Oikonomou placed a bet of 6,000 on the 837 flop.

Lehner called and bet 7,200 himself when Oikonomou checked on the 3 turn. Oikonomou tossed in chips for the 8 river to complete the board.

Both players checked quickly, leading to Oikonomou tabling 1010. Lehner had a higher pair with his QQ, however, and raked in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Markus Lehner de
Markus Lehner
Profile photo of Panagiotis Oikonomou gr
Panagiotis Oikonomou

Tags: Markus LehnerPanagiotis Oikonomou

Flush Over Flush For Schoenberg

Level 2 : Blinds 200/400, 400 ante

Gyula Rapolti limped in for 400 under the gun. Meik Schoenberg raised to 2,500 from early position. Peter Bosen called from the hijack and Belarmino De Souza defended the big blind.

He checked the 725 flop as did Rapolti. Schoenberg bet 10,000. Bosen and De Souza folded and Rapolti made the call. The 8 turn was checked around before Rapolti. Another X rolled off on the river and Rapolti led for 17,300 and was snap-called by Schoenberg.

He tabled KJ for the second nut flush. Rapolti had 43 for an inferior flush.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Meik Schoenberg de
Meik Schoenberg
Profile photo of Belarmino De Souza br
Belarmino De Souza
Profile photo of Peter Bosen de
Peter Bosen
Profile photo of Gyula Rapolti hu
Gyula Rapolti

Tags: Belarmino De SouzaGyula RapoltiPeter Bosen