2023 WSOP Europe

Event #9: €1,100 NLH Mystery Bounty
Day: 1
Event Info

2023 WSOP Europe

Final Results
Tobias Garp
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
100,000 / 200,000
Players Info - Day 1
Players Left

Wojciechowski Rivers the Nuts

Level 1 : Blinds 100/100, 100 ante

Nolan Curatolo opened to 400 from middle position. Martin Ryan and Pawel Wojciechowski called him from the cutoff and the button. Stuart Rutter three-bet to 2,000 from the big blind and his three opponents all called.

Action checked to Ryan on the AQ10 flop, and he bet 3,500. Wojciechowski was the only caller.

On the 7 turn, Ryan jammed for 16,500 and Wojciechowski called off his last 11,100.

Pawel Wojciechowski: A3
Martin Ryan: J8

Wojciechowski was ahead with his pair of aces, while also having the nut-flush draw. Ryan needed to complete his double-gutter to seal the win.

The 2 river gave Wojciechowski the nuts and he doubled up.

Player Chips Progress
Pawel Wojciechowski pl
Pawel Wojciechowski
Martin Ryan tt
Martin Ryan

Tags: Martin RyanPawel WojciechowskiNolan Curatolo

Level: 2

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 200

Penzersinski Raises the Turn

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Heads-up on a flop of 4A8, Kai Penzersinski led out for 1,600 in the big blind and Oliver Tokic called in early position.

The turn was the Q and Penzersinski checked over to Tokic, who fired out 5,500. Penzersinski then raised to 13,500 and Tokic quickly mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Kai Penzersinski de
Kai Penzersinski
Oliver Tokic de
Oliver Tokic

Tags: Kai PenzersinskiOliver Tokic

Mohamad Overbets and Pays Off Raise

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Arin Mohamad opened to 500 from middle position and called when Francisco Mir made it 1,700 from the hijack.

The K98 flop and Q turn checked through to the 5 river in what appeared to be a hand with little action. Mohahad thwarted that idea and made an overbet of 4,600. Mir quickly raised to 17,500 and Mohamad snap-called.

Mir tabled A5 for the nut flush and took in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Francisco Mir es
Francisco Mir
Arin Mohamad de
Arin Mohamad

Tags: Arin MohamadFrancisco Mir

Action Turn Leads to Dirty Bad Beat

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Evgheni Toporas
Evgheni Toporas

Evgheni Toporas opened to 600 from the hijack and was called by Felix Kretschmann and Florin Bilan from the button and the big blind.

Toporas continued for 1,200 on the 767 flop before Kretschmann out in the raise to 3,600. Bilan got out of the way and Toporas called.

Toporas checked on the 4 turn, prompting Kretschmann to fire out another 9,600, leaving roughly 16,000 behind. Toporas jammed as the bigger stack and Kretschmann snap-called for his tournament life.

Felix Kretschmann: A7
Evgheni Toporas: 44

Kretschmann had trips but the turn improved Toporas to a full house to become the huge favorite. The river had other ideas though as the 7 peeled off onto the felt to Kretschmann quads for the double up.

Player Chips Progress
Felix Kretschmann de
Felix Kretschmann
Evgheni Toporas md
Evgheni Toporas

Tags: Evgheni ToporasFelix Kretschmann

Alexandridis Picks Up Early Knockout

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Florin Bilan found himself down to just 5,000 and pushed them all in the middle from the cutoff. Symeon Alexandridis called in early position.

Florin Bilan: 66
Symeon Alexandridis: 88

The board ran out A27J3 and Alexandridis' two eights stayed in the lead to send Bilan on an early walk to the exit.

Player Chips Progress
Symeon Alexandridis gr
Symeon Alexandridis
Florin Bilan ro
Florin Bilan

Tags: Florin BilanSymeon Alexandridis

Stalmach Crushes Bertu on the Flop

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Christian Bertu had a raise to 3,000 in front of him from early position and Aaron Stalmach called in middle position.

The flop came 4106 and Bertu then pushed forward the rest of his 25,000. Stalmach snap-called.

Christian Bertu: AA
Aaron Stalmach: 1010

Bertu showed down a pair of aces, but Stalmach had flopped a set of tens and left Bertu needing help going to the turn. The rest of the board came 99 and Stalmach finished with a full house to send Bertu to the rail.

Player Chips Progress
Aaron Stalmach pl
Aaron Stalmach
Christian Bertu it
Christian Bertu

Tags: Aaron StalmachChristian Bertu

Mir Catches Curatolo Speeding

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante
Nolan Curatolo
Nolan Curatolo

Nolan Curatolo seat was empty on Table 95. Dimitrios Katsikas, Stuart Rutter and Francisco Mir recapped the hand that may raise a few eyebrows.

Curatolo opened to 600 from early position, with Rutter and Mir calling from the button and small blind.

Mir checked on the AJ4 flop before Curatolo continued for 700. Rutter and Mir called.

Curatolo then sized up to 4,500 on the 2 turn and saw both opponents call once more. A J completed the board, and Curatolo fired out 20,000, which left him with about 4,000 behind. Rutter folded while Mir, in the small blind, also took his time, but he decided to call.

Curatolo then instantly mucked his cards and Mir took the pot without a showdown. Mir told PokerNews he had 52.

"So strong. King-queen, king-ten of hearts. Something like that," a tablemate asked Curatolo, who remained silent as Mir stacked up the big pot.

A few hands later, Curatolo was eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Francisco Mir es
Francisco Mir
Stuart Rutter gb
Stuart Rutter
Nolan Curatolo it
Nolan Curatolo

Tags: Dimitrios KatsikasFrancisco MirNolan CuratoloStuart Rutter

Table 108 Just Got a Little Easier

Level 2 : Blinds 100/200, 200 ante

Wooram Cho just entered the tournament, but his seat had little chance to get warm as he engaged in a raising war out of the small blind with Anatoly Korochenskiy in middle position that ended with Cho all in for 30,000.

Wooram Cho: KQ
Anatoly Korochenkiy: 1010

The board ran out 89585 and Cho came out on the wrong side of the coin flip to hit the rail.

"That makes it a little easier for us. He's a good player. He plays all the high rollers," tablemate Rens Bujis said.

Player Chips Progress
Anatoly Korochenskiy ru
Anatoly Korochenskiy
Wooram Cho kr
Wooram Cho

Tags: Anatoly KorochenkiyWooram Cho