2023 WSOP Europe

Event #5: €550 NLH Colossus
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 WSOP Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
800,000 / 1,600,000
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Saidof Triples; Berisha Picks Off Di Nicola

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Xhavit Berisha
Xhavit Berisha

The other tables had already gone off on break when Eyal Saidof moved all in for 125,000 under the gun. Raoul Refos then raised to 250,000 in early position and Juuso Luokkanen called in the big blind.

The flop came 10K6 and Refos bet another 85,000. Luokkanen called and both players checked the 4 turn.

The 5 fell on the river and Refos bet another 305,000. Luokkanen called with QQ, while Refos showed A7 for just ace-high. Saidof turned over AK for top pair as he tripled up, while Luokkanen took down the sizeable side pot.

At the same time at another table, Xhavit Berisha and Ermanno Di Nicola built a pot of around 900,000 heading to the river on a board of Q38JA. Di Nicola then bet 700,000 in the cutoff.

Berisha, in the small blind, tanked for several minutes until he called. Di Nicola could only shake his head and muck as Berisha slammed down Q9 for a pair of queens.

"Professioanl," tablemate Shawn Stroke told him.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Juuso Luokkanen fi
Juuso Luokkanen
Profile photo of Xhavit Berisha kv
Xhavit Berisha
Day 1A Chip Leader
Profile photo of Raoul Refos nl
Raoul Refos
Profile photo of Ermanno Di Nicola it
Ermanno Di Nicola
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Eyal Saidof il
Eyal Saidof

Tags: Ermanno Di NicolaEyal SaidofJuuso LuokkanenRaoul RefosXhavit Berisha

Plenty of Action on Table 138

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Ioannis Temekonidis
Ioannis Temekonidis

Ermanno Di Nicola opened to 125,000 from under the gun and was called by Bijan Soudmand on his direct left. Xhavit Berisha moved all in for 815,000 from middle position. Di Nicola reshoved and Soudmand folded 10x10x fo cards to go on their backs.

Xhavit Berisha: 88
Ermanno Di Nicola: 22

Soudmand was not happy about seeing the tabled cards as he would've been ahead. He would've scooped the pot as well as the board ran out with the 65KK7. With Soudman out of the way, Berisha scored a big double.

Soudmand and Di Nicola continued to trade words after the the pot was pushed to Berisha.

The following hand, Shawn Stroke opened to 125,000 from the hijack before Zeljko Maric jammed for 475,000 from the cutoff. Ioannis Temekonidis called from the small blind and Stroke also matched the all-in bet.

The Q103 flop checked through to the 9 turn. Temekonidis bet 200,000 and was called. The 7 river then checked through to showdown.

Temekonidis tabled 1010 for a set of tens which angered Maric, who furiously slammed his cracked AA onto the felt. Stroke had AK.

"You go with me?" asked Temekonidis. Stroke agreed that if Temekonidis moved all in, he [Stroke] would've called. Temekonidis then seemed slighted by the fact that he had not collected Stroke's stack as well.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Ioannis Temekonidis gr
Ioannis Temekonidis
Profile photo of Shawn Stroke us
Shawn Stroke
Day 1B Chip Leader
Profile photo of Ermanno Di Nicola it
Ermanno Di Nicola
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Xhavit Berisha kv
Xhavit Berisha
Day 1A Chip Leader
Profile photo of Bijan Soudmand de
Bijan Soudmand
Profile photo of Zeljko Maric hr
Zeljko Maric

Tags: Bijan SoudmandErmanno Di NicolaIoannis TemekonidisShawn StrokeXhavit BerishaZeljko Maric

Saka Takes From Gallo

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Alain Saka raised to 100,000 from early position, and he was called by Gianluca Gallo in the big blind.

A continuation bet of 60,000 was called by Gallo on the flop 55K. But on the turn 4, both players decided to check.

The 7 came on the river, and Gallo took the lead, betting 125,000. Saka called, and won the hand as Gallo directly mucked his cards. Saka revealed A10.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Gianluca Gallo it
Gianluca Gallo
Profile photo of Alain Saka pl
Alain Saka

Tags: Alain SakaGianluca Gallo

Ripepi Spikes the Turn to Leave Dusco Fuming

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Three-handed on a flop of 226, Mario Ripepi moved all in for 320,000 from the big blind. Tobias Peters was in middle position and gave it some thought before mucking, but Alexandr Dusco snap-called in the cutoff.

Mario Ripepi: K6
Alexandr Dusco: 88

Dusco's eights and deuces were ahead of Ripepi's smaller two pair until the 6 turn improved Ripepi to a full house.

Dusco turned away from the table and began muttering to himself as the 3 completed the board, sealing a double up for Ripepi.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Tobias Peters nl
Tobias Peters
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Alexandr Dusco md
Alexandr Dusco
Day 1D Chip Leader
Profile photo of Mario Ripepi it
Mario Ripepi

Tags: Alexandr DuscoMario RipepiTobias Peters

Peters Joins the Big Stacks

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Tobias Peters
Tobias Peters

Cristian David opened to 100,000 from early position before Simon Buchta three-bet to 300,000 on his immediate left. Action folded to Tobias Peters, and he announced all in for around 1,650,000 from the cutoff. David got out of the way but Buchta committed the 600,000 he had behind.

Simon Buchta: AA
Tobias Peters: JJ

The Q1010 was favorable for Bruchta as was the 10 turn. However, the J river gave Peters a superior full house to seal the checkmark.

"Wow, what a river," chimed Peters. "What a river," he repeated.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Tobias Peters nl
Tobias Peters
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Simon Buchta de
Simon Buchta

Tags: Cristian DavidSimon BuchtaTobias Peters

Sakhai Catches David Bluffing

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Cristian David opened to 115,000 from under the gun, and Hertsel Levy called in the big blind.

On a flop of AA10, David bet 85,000 and Levy check-called. However, nobody bet the turn 3.

The 5 completed the board, and Levy checked. David took this opportunity to bet 225,000 and put his opponent into the tank.

But after a long moment, Levy called with KJ for a missed straight draw. And he made the right move, as David only had QJ for a bluff.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Hertsel Levy il
Hertsel Levy
Profile photo of Cristian David ro
Cristian David

Tags: Cristian DavidHertsel Levy

Salerno Turns Quads to Decimate Stranak

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Elia Salerno
Elia Salerno

Elia Salerno was all in for 740,000 from the big blind and up against Samuel Stranak under the gun.

Elia Salerno: 77
Samuel Stranak: AQ

The players were off to the races, but Stranak quickly ran out of gas on the J72 flop as Salerno flopped a set.

The turn was the 7 and Salerno made quads. The A on the river was useless to Stranak as he handed over most of his stack.

Stranak doubled up a few hands later when he moved all in with QJ against Hertsel Levy's KQ and made two pair on the 28QJ3 board.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Hertsel Levy il
Hertsel Levy
Profile photo of Elia Salerno it
Elia Salerno
Profile photo of Samuel Stranak sk
Samuel Stranak
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Elia SalernoSamuel Stranak

Paleologos Shoves on Berisha

Level 27 : Blinds 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Xhavit Berisha raised to 120,000 in the hijack and Andreas Paleologos called in the small blind.

The flop came 9Q4 and Berisha continued for 130,000. Paleologos again called as the 9 fell on the turn.

Berisha then bet another 160,000, but this time Paleologos slid forward enough chips to put Berisha all in. Berisha, with around 650,000 remaining, tanked for more than three minutes until he tossed his cards away.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Andreas Paleologos se
Andreas Paleologos
Profile photo of Xhavit Berisha kv
Xhavit Berisha
Day 1A Chip Leader

Tags: Andreas PaleologosXhavit Berisha