2023 WSOP Europe

Event #10: €2,000 8-Game Mix
Day: 2
Event Info

2023 WSOP Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
0 / 0
Players Info - Day 2
Players Left

Maurizio Melara Eliminated in 8th Place (€5,090)

Level 18
Maurizio Melara
Maurizio Melara

No-Limit Hold'em

Oleksii Kovalchuk opened to 25,000 on the button and action folded to Maurizio Melara in the big blind, who contemplated his options for a bit before deciding to stick his last 130,000 into the middle. Kovalchuck called and hands were revealed.

Maurizio Melara: A6
Oleksii Kovalchuk: J10

Melara held a slight lead, but the J33810 runout left Kovalchuk best with jacks-up and Melara was knocked out in eighth place.

Player Chips Progress
Oleksii Kovalchuk ua
Oleksii Kovalchuk
WSOP 2X Winner
Maurizio Melara it
Maurizio Melara

Tags: Maurizio MelaraOleksii Kovalchuk

Daniel Habl Eliminated in 9th Place (€5,090)

Level 18
Daniel Habl
Daniel Habl

No-Limit Hold'em

Action folded around to the blinds, where Wooram Cho shoved and Daniel Habl called all in for approximately 130,000.

Daniel Habl: KQ
Wooram Cho: K8

Habl had Cho dominated, but the 787 flop paired Cho's eight and vaulted him into the lead.

The 2 turn and 6 river were of no help to Habl and he was eliminated in ninth place.

Player Chips Progress
Wooram Cho kr
Wooram Cho
Day 1 Chip Leader
Daniel Habl de
Daniel Habl

Tags: Daniel HablWooram Cho

Bradley Takes the Chip Lead

Level 18
Ian Bradley
Ian Bradley

No-Limit Hold'em

Three ways on a flop of J9A, Ian Bradley checked from the small blind and Roland Israelashvili checked from the big blind to Wooram Cho, who bet 15,000 from under the gun. Bradley then check-raised to 50,000, which got a fold from Israelashvili and a call from Cho.

Cho called a 65,000 bet from Bradley on the 5 turn and then Bradley overbet the pot for 400,000 when the Q completed the board.

Cho quickly called and Bradley tabled K10 for a rivered straight. Cho showed he held 99 for a set before sending it into the muck — awarding the massive pot to Bradley.

Player Chips Progress
Ian Bradley gb
Ian Bradley
Wooram Cho kr
Wooram Cho
Day 1 Chip Leader
Roland Israelashvili us
Roland Israelashvili

Tags: Ian BradleyRoland IsraelashviliWooram Cho

Max Pescatori Eliminated in 10th Place (€4,185)

Level 18
Massimiliano Pescatori
Massimiliano Pescatori

2-7 Triple Draw

With Max Pescatori already all in on seventh street, the action continued betweem Maurizio Melara and Dainius Antanaitis. A quick bet came from Antanaitis, producing a fold from Melara.

Antanaitis showed down his 96542, seeing Melara slide his hand to the dealer. Pescatori mucked his hand too, ending his run in 10th place.

Player Chips Progress
Dainius Antanaitis lt
Dainius Antanaitis
WSOP 1X Winner
Maurizio Melara it
Maurizio Melara
Max Pescatori it
Max Pescatori
WSOP 4X Winner

Tags: Dainius AntanaitisMaurizio MelaraMax Pescatori

Vladimir Troyanovskiy Eliminated in 11th Place (€4,185)

Level 18
Vladimir Troyanovskiy
Vladimir Troyanovskiy

No-Limit Hold'em

Vladimir Troyanovskiy moved all and was called by Ian Bradley, with the cards being shown after the rest of the table folded.

Ian Bradley: KJ
Vladimir Troyanovskiy: AK

Troyanovskiy could not find any help on the 81010102 runout, ending his run in 11th place.

Player Chips Progress
Ian Bradley gb
Ian Bradley
Vladimir Troyanovskiy ru
Vladimir Troyanovskiy

Tags: Ian BradleyVladimir Troyanovskiy

Jerry Odeen Eliminated in 12th Place (€3,540)

Level 17
Jerry Odeen
Jerry Odeen

Stud Hi-Lo

Jerry Odeen: KQ/585J/9
Ioannis Angelou-Konstas: A2/10492/A
Max Pescatori: XxXx/810J - folded on fifth street

Max Pescatori compelted and was raised by Jerry Odeen. Ioannis Angelou-Konstas re-raised, Pescatori called, and Odeen called all in for his remaining stack.

Pescatori check-called a bet from Angelou-Konstas on fourth street, but check-folded facing another barrel on fifth.

Odeen turned over KQ and found himself against the A2 of Angelou-Konstas.

Sixth and seventh left Angelou-Konstas with aces up, which meant Odeen needed to draw a five to double up and survive.

Odeen slowly peeled what turned out to be a 9 — eliminating him in 12th place.

Player Chips Progress
Ioannis Angelou-Konstas gr
Ioannis Angelou-Konstas
Max Pescatori it
Max Pescatori
WSOP 4X Winner
Jerry Odeen se
Jerry Odeen
WSOP 1X Winner

Wing Po Liu Eliminated in 13th Place (€3,540)

Level 17
Wing Po Liu
Wing Po Liu

Seven Card Stud

Wing Po Liu: XxXx/QJ83/Xx
Daniel Habl: XxXx/6A63/Xx

Daniel Habl called a bet from Wing Po Liu on fourth street and then Habl led out for bets on fifth and sixth street. Liu called and was left with just several thousand on seventh.

Habl bet on the end and Liu went deep into the tank. Liu eventually committed the last of his chips and Habl tabled J106 for trip sixes. Liu couldn't beat it and quickly scrambled his hand into the muck — eliminating him in 13th place.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Habl de
Daniel Habl
Wing Po Liu hk
Wing Po Liu
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Daniel HablWing Po Liu

Yannick Jobin Eliminated in 14th Place (€3,540)

Level 17
Yannick Jobin
Yannick Jobin

No-Limit Hold'em

Yannick Jobin moved his short stack all in from under the gun and the action folded around to Dainius Antanaitis in the big blind. "I'll give you a spin" said Antanaitis, as the hands were turned up.

Yannick Jobin: 99
Dainius Antanaitis: 102

Jobin was ahead until the river of the 46QJ10 runout, where Antanaitis caught a pair to win the showdown.

"Sorry, that was for Doyle Brunson" said Antanaitis. "It's only fair in a mixed game" answered Jobin before heading to the payout desk in 14th place.

Player Chips Progress
Dainius Antanaitis lt
Dainius Antanaitis
WSOP 1X Winner
Yannick Jobin ch
Yannick Jobin

Tags: Dainius AntanaitisYannick Jobin

Nacho Barbero Eliminated in 15th Place (€3,092)

Level 17
Nacho Barbero
Nacho Barbero

No-Limit Hold'em

Nacho Barbero opened to 18,000 on the button just behind him, Ian Bradley went all in. Action folded back to Barbero, who quickly call all in to be put at risk.

Nacho Barbero: AJ
Ian Bradley: Q7

Barbero held the lead, but the Q39 flop paired Bradley's queen and left Barbero drawing slim.

The J turn paired Barbero's jack, but the 5 river left Barbero second best and he was eliminated in 15th place.

Player Chips Progress
Ian Bradley gb
Ian Bradley
Nacho Barbero ar
Nacho Barbero
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ian BradleyNacho Barbero

Habl Eliminates Dovzhenko to Burst the Money Bubble

Level 16
Alexander Dovzhenko
Alexander Dovzhenko

2-7 Triple Draw

Action folded around to the blinds, where Alexander Dovzhenko raised from the small blind, leaving himself just a few thousand behind. Daniel Habl three-bet from the big blind to put Dovzhenko all in and Dovzhenko called.

Dovzhenko drew two while Habl drew one on the first draw. Then Habl drew one and Dovzhenko drew two on second draw.

On the final draw, Dovzhenko drew one and Habl stood pat.

Habl tabled 9x8x4x3x2x. Dovzhenko held 7x5x4x3x, but ended up drawing a 4x — pairing him up and eliminating him on the money bubble.

The remaining players are all guarateed a minimum payday of €3,092.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Habl de
Daniel Habl
Alexander Dovzhenko ua
Alexander Dovzhenko

Tags: Alexander DovzhenkoDaniel Habl