2018 World Series of Poker Europe

Event #2: €1,650 No-Limit Hold'em 6-Handed Deepstack
Day: 2
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Event #2: €1,650 No-Limit Hold'em 6-Handed Deepstack Continues at 2 p.m.

Milad Oghabian leads 39 players into Day 2
Milad Oghabian leads 39 players into Day 2

The second bracelet event at the 2018 World Series of Poker Europe drew 221 entries on its starting day, creating a total prize pool of €318,074. 34 players will receive a slice of it, and when cards will be back in the air 39 are still in contention. This means five players will leave King's Casino in Rozvadov empty-handed once play resumes at 2 p.m. local time.

The 6-max format provided plenty of action on Day 1. Day 2 promises more of the same and is looking to be a relatively short and action-packed day. Levels will be bumped to 60 minutes for the remainder of the tournament and play resumes in level 15 with blinds at 2,000-4,000 and a big blind ante of 4,000. Play will continue until the final table is set, after which chips will be bagged and tagged for the night. The first place prize of €82,280 and the WSOP gold bracelet will be awarded on Tuesday, October 16.

Milad Oghabian will start as the chipleader with 457,500 in chips, followed by four-time bracelet winner Shaun Deeb (373,000). Van Tiep Nguyen (364,500), Chin Wei Lim (324,000), Michael Soyza (240,500), Pete Chen (204,500), Asi Moshe (184,500), Jerome Sgorrano (179,500), Manig Loeser (179,500), six-time bracelet winner and 2017 WSOP Player of the Year Chris Ferguson (151,500), Rex Clinkscales (117,000), Maria Lampropulos (115,500), Roland Israelashvili (68,000), and Cord Garcia (44,000) will also return to action.

Together with Day 2 of this event, PokerNews will also be on the floor to cover the final table of Event #1: COLOSSUS €550 No-Limit Hold'em, as well as the start of Event #3: €550 Pot-Limit Omaha 8-Handed, so check back regularly as the 2018 WSOPE rolls on.

Oghabian Takes A Big Chunk From Soyza

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Michael Soyza
Michael Soyza

Milan Oghabian was seated on the button and up against Michael Soyza in middle position. On a {4-Spades}{3-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} board, Oghabian bet 47,000 and Soyza check-called.

The river brought the {7-Hearts} and Soyza checked. Oghabian settled on 85,000, which send the Malaysian deep in thought. He took nearly three minutes before committing the call, half of his remaining stack, but got shown the bad news as Oghabian flipped {9-Hearts}{5-Hearts}.

"That's good," Soyza said with a smile and he mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Milad Oghabian ir
Milad Oghabian
Michael Soyza my
Michael Soyza

Tags: Michael SoyzaMilad Oghabian

Chen Loses Big Flip Against Nguyen

Level 15 : 2,000/4,000, 4,000 ante
Pete Chen
Pete Chen

Pete Chen is also one of the five players to walk away empty-handed today. According to Chen, Van Tiep Nguyen had opened the action with {8-}{8-}, Chen had three-bet {A-}{K-} suited and called off a massive four-bet shove from Nguyen.

The board ran out {8-}{4-}{4-}{K-}{X-} and Chen was eliminated in 38th.

Player Chips Progress
Van Tiep Nguyen cz
Van Tiep Nguyen
Pete Chen hk
Pete Chen

Tags: Pete ChenVan Tiep Nguyen

Gianluca Speranza Bubbles Event #2

Level 16 : 2,500/5,000, 5,000 ante
Gianluca Speranza
Gianluca Speranza

Hand-for-hand play was several hands underway when Italian Gianluca Speranza found his Waterloo against chipleader Van Tiep Nguyen. Holding {A-Hearts}{J-Hearts}, Speranza was on the button and got it in on a {4-Spades}{9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{2-Clubs} turn. Nguyen, from the small blind, called with {A-Clubs}{9-Spades} to put Speranza at risk.

The river bricked for Speranza with the {5-Spades} to make him the final player to leave the tournament empty-handed. All other players will receive at least €2,371 for their efforts.

Player Chips Progress
Van Tiep Nguyen cz
Van Tiep Nguyen
Gianluca Speranza it
Gianluca Speranza

Tags: Van Tiep NguyenGianluca Speranza

Sgorrano Eliminates Clinkscales; Shorties Bust

Level 16 : 2,500/5,000, 5,000 ante
Jerome Sgorrano
Jerome Sgorrano

Van Tiep Nguyen raised to 10,000 in middle position, Rex Clinkscales shoved a little under a 100,000 on the button, Jerome Sgorrano came over the top from the big blind, slightly covering Clinkscales, and Nguyen flashed {Q-Diamonds}{J-Spades} and mucked.

Rex Clinkscales: {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}
Jerome Sgorrano: {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts}

"I'm flipping either way," chuckled Clinkscales. He would've lost either way as well, as the dealer fanned out {Q-Spades}{K-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} to pair Sgorrano and send Clinkscales to the rail in 28th for €2,660.

Before Clinkscales' departure, short stacks Fahredin Mustafov, Jessica Pilkington and Dan Samson also lost their final chips.

Player Chips Progress
Van Tiep Nguyen cz
Van Tiep Nguyen
Jerome Sgorrano be
Jerome Sgorrano
Rex Clinkscales us
Rex Clinkscales
Dan Samson gb
Dan Samson
Jessica Pilkington gb
Jessica Pilkington
Fahredin Mustafov bg
Fahredin Mustafov

Tags: Fahredin MustafovJerome SgorranoJessica PilkingtonRex ClinkscalesVan Tiep Nguyen

Israelashvili Flops A Set, Still Busts to Deeb

Level 17 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Roland Israelashvili
Roland Israelashvili

Roland Israelashvili has been nurturing the short stack for the majority of the day, but with 75,000 left and {5-Hearts}{5-Clubs} he went for it against Shaun Deeb. Deeb had {6-Hearts}{6-Clubs} and found himself in a good spot to end Israelashvili's run.

The flop was {Q-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{5-Spades} and Israelashvili paired his five to take a commanding lead in the hand. The {7-Hearts} on the turn gave Deeb an open-ended to go with his sixes, and he completed the straight on the {9-Diamonds} river to knock out Israelashvili in 22nd place (€3,094).

At another table, Luiz Antonio Duarte Ferreira Filho lost his final chips as well and he finished 23rd, also for €3,094.

Player Chips Progress
Shaun Deeb us
Shaun Deeb
$25K Fantasy
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Roland Israelashvili us
Roland Israelashvili
Luiz Antonio Duarte Ferreira Filho br
Luiz Antonio Duarte Ferreira Filho

Tags: Roland IsraelashviliShaun Deeb

Broadway Saves Bendinelli, Sgorrano and Marttinen Eliminated

Level 17 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Giuliano Bendinelli
Giuliano Bendinelli

In a previous hand, Chris Ferguson doubled up through Giuliano Bendinelli for 78,000 total. Ferguson won with {A-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} against Bendinelli's {6-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} when the board came {9-Spades}{10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{J-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} to counterfeit the sixes.

A few hands later, Antti Marttinen open-shoved his final 54,000 on the button and Bendinelli, down to around 150,000, reshoved all in from the small blind. Jerome Sgorrano tank-called from the big blind with a stack of 170,000.

Antti Marttinen: {K-Spades}{Q-Clubs}
Giuliano Bendinelli: {K-Hearts}{J-Spades}
Jerome Sgorrano: {A-Clubs}{Q-Spades}

The flop was {K-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{Q-Hearts} to give Marttinen the lead with two pair, while Bendinelli took the lead for the side pot. The {A-Spades} on the turn brought gasps from several players at the table, as Sgorrano was ready to score the double knockout.

However, the river brought the {10-Clubs} and Bendinelli jolted out of his seat in delight. Marttinen was eliminated and Sgorrano was left with 20,000. He committed those in the subsequent hand with {9-Spades}{5-Hearts} and failed to get there against {6-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} to finish in 19th place.

Player Chips Progress
Giuliano Bendinelli it
Giuliano Bendinelli
EPT 1X Winner
Chris Ferguson us
Chris Ferguson
WSOP 6X Winner
Jerome Sgorrano be
Jerome Sgorrano
Antti Marttinen fi
Antti Marttinen
Daniel Rezaei at
Daniel Rezaei

Tags: Antti MarttinenChris FergusonGiuliano BendinelliJerome Sgorrano

Jaroslav Peter Eliminated in 18th Place (€3,726)

Level 17 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Jaroslav Peter
Jaroslav Peter

It didn't take long for the bustouts to start happening once the final three tables were formed. Catching the tail end of a hand between Jaroslav Peter and Giuliano Bendinelli, the two players were all in preflop. The board ran out {q-Hearts}{8-Spades}{5-Spades}{2-Hearts}{9-Spades} and Bendinellli's winning hand one was the only one left on the table.

Bendinelli held {a-Spades}{j-Clubs} for just ace-high but that was good enough to rake in the pot and send Jaroslav Peter packing in 18th place.

Player Chips Progress
Giuliano Bendinelli it
Giuliano Bendinelli
EPT 1X Winner
Jaroslav Peter cz
Jaroslav Peter

Tags: Giuliano BendinelliJaroslav Peter

Chris Ferguson Eliminated in 17th Place (€3,726)

Level 17 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Chris Ferguson
Chris Ferguson

Viktor Katzenberger opened to 14,000 from under the gun and the action folded to Chris Ferguson in the big blind. Ferguson three-bet to 38,000 and Katzenberger thought for a minute before shoving all in. Ferguson quickly called off his last 170,000 chips and the cards were tabled.

Viktor Katzenberger: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}
Chris Ferguson: {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}

The flop came {a-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} to give Ferguson the lead as Katzenberger started counting out the chips for Ferguson. The {6-Diamonds} on the turn gave Katzenberger a flush draw and the {2-Diamonds} on the river completed his flush. Ferguson was eliminated and headed to the payout desk in 17th place.

Player Chips Progress
Viktor Katzenberger hu
Viktor Katzenberger
Chris Ferguson us
Chris Ferguson
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Chris FergusonViktor Katzenberger

Chin Wei Lim Eliminated in 16th Place (€3,726)

Level 17 : 3,000/6,000, 6,000 ante
Chin Wei Lim
Chin Wei Lim

Asi Moshe raised it up from the cutoff and Chin Wei Lim stuck in his last 20,000 chips from the big blind. Moshe made an easy call and held the advantage heading to the flop.

Asi Moshe: {a-Hearts}{q-Spades}
Chin Wei Lim: {k-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}

The flop of {9-Hearts}{7-Spades}{5-Clubs} changed nothing and Moshe was still out front with ace-high. The {8-Clubs} on the turn gave Lim an open-ended straight draw, but the {2-Diamonds} on the river bricked off as he was eliminated in 16th place.

Player Chips Progress
Asi Moshe il
Asi Moshe
WSOP 4X Winner
Chin Wei Lim my
Chin Wei Lim

Tags: Asi MosheChin Wei Lim