Seed Fails to Bloom
He looked up at floor guy Dennis, who was watching the hand. "Can I look back to see what I have?" he asked. "I don't remember."
After a moment Hoyt Corkins made the call.
"I have two backdoor flush draws," Seed announced. So did Corkins, though. Seed also had two pair, at that point ahead of Corkin's aces, but after a blank-y sort of turn, Corkins made a set on the river. The chips were pushed over to Corkins.
Seed sat there for a while. "That's not right, is it?" he asked Dennis the floor guy and Michel Abecassis who'd wandered over to watch. Some quiet shaking of heads. "Now I see why I pay the entrance fees for these things."
Seed was still sitting there and attempting to grill Corkins over how he'd played the hand when your bloggers backed away from the table. He should be leaving soon, though.