2009 World Series of Poker Europe

Event 1 - £1,000 No Limit Hold'em
Day: 2
Event Info

2009 World Series of Poker Europe

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
8,000 / 16,000

Rahme Eliminated

A huge roar emanated from one end of the casino (mainly deriving from one person), as Ganesh Bathmanathan doubled through courtesy of Raymond Rahme.

I joined the action with a {6-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{A-Hearts}{9-Spades} board festering in the middle as stacks were being counted. The action seemed self-explanatory: Rahme raising {J-Diamonds}{J-Hearts} from the cut-off, Bathmanathan pushing {A-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds} from the big blind and Rahme making the call.

There was a little confusion as to whether Rahme had his man covered, but as the South African gradually counted out the circa 65,000 required, it soon emerged that it was the other way around. "All in," said Rahme with a acknowledging smile as he conceded his final colum of chips.

Tags: Ganesh BathmanathanRaymond Rhame

Kelly Back in the Lead

JP Kelly is back to being chip leader after a large and curious pot.

He raised preflop an got himself called by both Anthony Roux to his left and Said Englund in the big blind. They saw an {8-Spades} {5-Hearts} {2-Clubs} flop, and Englund checked to Kelly, who bet. Roux called, Englund folded, and the proceeded to the {9-Clubs} turn.

Kelly now bet out a whopping 22,000. Roux dwelled for some time, looking rather sad. After a while he sighed, and folded.

Roux is down to 68,000, while Kelly the air must be pretty thin up where Kelly is, on 190,000.

Tags: Anthony RouxJP Kelly

Mellby Eliminated

Alexander Mellby open shoved from under the gun, only for Martin Green to some over the top just one seat along.

Mellby = {K-Spades}{J-Spades}
Green = {A-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}

Board = {8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}

Little reaction from either player - both as statuesque as the other - just a tap of the table from Green, and an approving nod from Mellby, and that was that.

Green now on 65,000.

Tags: Alex MellbyMartin Green

The Stack That Launched 5,000 Chips

Ganesh Bathmanathan, he whose enormo-stack after knocking out Raymond Rahme prompted the introduction of the blue 5,000-denomination chips, has picked up even more.

We caught up with the action on the turn of the {10-Spades} {8-Diamonds} {J-Spades} {10-Clubs} board, with Bathmanathan betting and Oskar Silow calling. "Wow, you called," noted Bathmanathan. "Next time I check."

The river came down the {A-Clubs} and duly Bathmanathan announced check. Silow checked behind, and his {7-?} {10-?} was no good against Bathmanathan's {Q-?} {10-?}.

Bathmanathan is up to 160,000. Our chip leader, however, remains JP Kelly, with 190,000.

Tags: Ganesh BathmanathanOskar Silow

No Sugar for Chai

Swee Chai found himself all in with {6-Clubs} {6-Hearts} against Toni Huyne's {Q-Diamonds} {J-Diamonds}. "I had one of your jacks," commented Adnan Alshamah.

Nevertheless, board: {K-Clubs} {J-Hearts} {4-Diamonds} {5-Spades} {5-Diamonds}

We're down to 19 -- one more elimination and we'll be redrawing for the last two tables.

Tags: Swee ChaiToni Huyne

Flying the Flag for Englund

With Stephane Reusser pushing all in from the cutoff for a total of 23,400, the action ground to a halt on Said Englund on the button who, after meticulous thought, made the call. David Stucke also seemed interested in the small blind, but made a pained fold, and after JP Kelly had ducked out of the way in the big, the cards were revealed: Englund with {A-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds}; Reusser {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs}.

But poker's a cruel, sadistic game, and none more so than when the money gets steep. On this occasion, it was Reusser who felt their wrath, the river of a {10-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{8-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{A-Hearts} board dealing the fatal low blow and sending him home.

Tags: Said EnglundStephane Reusser

Table 1 Chip Counts

Seat 2: Fabien Dunlop -- 136,000
Seat 3: Said Englund -- 97,000
Seat 4: David Stucke -- 172,000
Seat 5: JP Kelly -- 186,000
Seat 6: Anthony Roux -- 85,000
Seat 7: James Tomlin -- 41,000