2017 World Series of Poker

Event #74: The Little One for One Drop - $1,000 +111 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000

Dam Eliminated by Bagheri

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Tony Dam moved all in from early position for his final 280,000, and a few seats over, David Bagheri moved all in for just a bit more. Everyone else folded, and the cards were on their backs.

Dam: {A-Spades}{10-Diamonds}
Bagheri: {6-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}

Both players hit the flop, which was bad news for Dam, as it came {10-Clubs}{9-Spades}{6-Clubs}. That gave Dam top pair but Bagheri a dominating seat. The {Q-Clubs} on the turn sealed the deal for Bagheri, who virtually doubled up to over 600,000.

Player Chips Progress
David Bagheri us
David Bagheri
Tony Dam us
Tony Dam

Tags: David BagheriTony Dam

Alexander Haber Doubles Up

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Valentyn Shabelnyk opened for 85,000 from the hijack, and Saya Ono called from the cutoff. Alexander Haber came along from the button, and the blinds folded.

The flop was {9-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{9-Hearts}, and it was checked to Haber, who bet 100,000. Shabelnyk folded, but Ono exerted maximum pressure by moving all in. Haber almost beat her to the pot with his chips to call.

Ono: {a-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}
Haber: {k-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}

The turn was the {a-Hearts} and the river the {8-Spades}, making trips for the jubilant Jamaican.

Player Chips Progress
Alexander Haber jm
Alexander Haber
Saya Ono us
Saya Ono

Tags: Alexander HaberSaya OnoValentyn Shabelnyk

Todd Makes a Correct Call

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

With a substantial pot of about 400,000 already brewing and the board reading {A-Diamonds}{A-Clubs}{8-Hearts}, Eugene Todd bet 130,000 from the small blind, and after a bit of thought, Huihan Wu called from the button.

The turn brought the {10-Spades}, and both players checked.

The river was the {5-Hearts}, and Todd checked. Wu bet 110,000, sending Todd into the tank. Eventually, he called and tabled {6-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}, which was best against Wu's {K-Spades}{Q-Spades}. Todd took the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Eugene Todd us
Eugene Todd
Huihan Wu us
Huihan Wu

Tags: Eugene ToddHuihan Wu

Jimmy Guerrero Folds Kings Pre

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

[Removed:297] opened the action, and both Richard Dixon and Jeremy Dresch called. Jimmy Guerrero was on the button, and he three-bet to 325,000. Slowly Wenigwieser and Dixon folded, and Dresch thought for a while before responding with a four-bet to 610,000.

Guerrero took his time over his decision, counting down his stack and apologizing to the table for the time he was taking. Eventually, he stood up from his chair and slammed his {k-Clubs}{k-Hearts} face-up on the table to show what he was folding.

The pot was pushed to Dresch who turned over the solitary {4-Hearts}.

Tags: Jeremy Dresch

Dixon Shows One

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Richard Dixon raised to 100,000 from the cutoff, and next to act, Jeremy Dresch re-raised to 275,000 on the button. Dixon called, and the two saw a {Q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} flop. Both players checked, and the {3-Spades} came on the turn. Dixon led out for 300,000, and Dresch didn't take very long to fold.

Dixon rechecked his hole cards before showing the {10-Hearts} as he mucked.

"What did you call with a ten preflop?" Dresch inquired.

"You don't want to know," Dixon said with a chuckle.

Player Chips Progress
Richard Dixon us
Richard Dixon
Jeremy Dresch us
Jeremy Dresch

Tags: Jeremy DreschRichard Dixon

Cordynice Stacks Abundis

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Jordan Cordynice raised to 85,000 from the cutoff, and Ricardo Abundis shoved for about 360,000 from the button. Cordynice called to put Abundis at risk, and the two players tabled their hands.

Cordynice: {A-Spades}{Q-Spades}
Abundis: {9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}

Cordynice had the preflop advantage and improved to trips to win the pot when the board ran out {A-Clubs}{7-Hearts}{5-Spades}{6-Spades}{A-Hearts}.

Player Chips Progress
Jordan Cordynice gb
Jordan Cordynice
Ricardo Abundis us
Ricardo Abundis

Tags: Jordan CordyniceRicardo Abundis

Guerrero Takes a Big One

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Jimmy Guerrero raised it up to 90,000, and it folded to [Removed:297] on the button. He three-bet it to 260,000, and Guerrero called when it folded back to him. They went to a flop of {K-Hearts}{10-Spades}{2-Clubs}, and Guerrero check called a bet of 275,000 from Wenigwieser. The {3-Clubs} on the turn drew another check from Guerrero. Wenigwieser bet 425,000 this time. Guerrero called again, and the {8-Diamonds} completed the board.

Guerrero checked a third time, and Wenigwieser checked behind fairly quickly. Guerrero rolled over {K-Clubs}{J-Spades}, and when Wenigwieser mucked, Guerrero stood up and gave one big clap. He is up to 2.7 million after that hand, while Wenigwieser tumbled down to 2 million.

Player Chips Progress
Jimmy Guerrero fr
Jimmy Guerrero
[Removed:297] at

Tags: Jimmy Guerrero

Pantaleo Doubles On Last Hand Before Dinner

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Linglin Zeng raised to 90,000 from early position, and Giuseppe Pantaleo defended his big blind. The flop came {J-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{4-Diamonds}, and Pantaleo checked to Zeng, who moved all in. It was a massive overbet, as it represented to 630,000 that Pantaleo had left. Pantaleo had a confused look on his face, and asked her "Why so much?" "I don't know," Zeng responded with a laugh.

Pantaleo spent about 3 minutes in the tank before he slid his stack forward. Zeng rolled over {K-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} for a flush draw, and Pantaleo tabled {8-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} for middle pair. The board finished out {3-Spades} and {8-Spades}, and Pantaleo gave a big fist pump.

Pantaleo doubled to 1.5 million, while Zeng tumbled down to 700,000.

Player Chips Progress
Giuseppe Pantaleo de
Giuseppe Pantaleo
WSOP 1X Winner
Linglin Zeng cn
Linglin Zeng

Tags: Giuseppe PantaleoLinglin Zeng

Shappelle vs. Ono

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Saya Ono raised to 90,000 from under the gun, and Kyle Shappelle called from the button.

The flop came {J-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{6-Clubs}, and Ono bet 90,000. Shappelle called. The turn brought the {7-Diamonds}, and Ono checked. Shappelle bet 205,000, and Ono called. The river was the {3-Diamonds}, and Ono checked. Shappelle moved all in to put Ono to a decision for her stack and she went into the tank for several minutes. She eventually turned {A-Clubs}{8-Clubs} face-up and said she wanted to call but then folded.

Shappelle took the pot and showed {A-Hearts}{8-Hearts}.

Ono will be on a one-round penalty when play resumes after dinner for exposing her hand with action pending.

Player Chips Progress
Kyle Shappelle us
Kyle Shappelle
Saya Ono us
Saya Ono

Tags: Kyle ShappelleSaya Ono