2017 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Day: 10
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
1,500,000 / 3,000,000

Hands #237-242: Blumstein Applies More Pressure

Level 43 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 500,000 ante
Heads Up Scott Blumstein
Heads Up Scott Blumstein

Hand #237: Dan Ott limped in from the button and Scott Blumstein raised to 8.8 million from the big blind. Ott called and the flop came {6-Spades}{3-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}. Blumstein led out for 7 million and Ott quickly folded.

Hand #238: Blumstein called on the button and Ott checked his option. The two players saw a flop of {q-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} and the action was checked to the {a-Hearts} on the turn. Ott checked again and Blumstein bet 4.5 million. Ott mucked his cards again and Blumstein took down the pot.

Hand #239: Ott limped on the button and Blumstein shoved all-in from the big blind. Ott slid his cards to the muck and Blumstein raked in the pot.

Hand #240: Blumstein called on the button and Ott checked his big blind. The flop came {8-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{5-Spades} and both players checked to the {10-Hearts} on the turn. Ott led out for 4 million and Blumstein laid his hand down, sending a pot Ott's way.

Hand #241: Ott limped on the button again and Blumstein checked his option. The flop was {k-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} and Blumstein checked the action over to Ott who checked behind. The {5-Spades} fell on the turn and Blumstein checked again. Ott checked as well, and the {8-Clubs} completed the board. Blumstein bet 3 million and Ott quickly called. Blumstein tabled {9-}{8-} for a pair of eights and Ott showed {10-Clubs}{6-Spades} for a pair of tens.

Hand #242: Blumstein limped from the button, and Ott checked his option. The flop came {Q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}, and Ott checked to Blumstein, who fired 3.5 million. Ott folded, and Blumstein took the hand.

Player Chips Progress
Profile photo of Scott Blumstein us
Scott Blumstein
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Dan Ott us
Dan Ott

Tags: Dan OttScott Blumstein