2017 World Series of Poker

Event #60: $888 Crazy Eights No-Limit Hold'em 8-Handed
Day: 1c
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
250,000 / 500,000

Matt Affleck Wins

Level 5 : 150/300, 50 ante
Matt Affleck
Matt Affleck

The player in the under-the-gun position raised to 600, the player in the hijack called, and so did Matt Affleck from the button. The players in the blinds folded.

The flop came {A-Spades}{4-Spades}{10-Clubs}, the under-the-gun player bet 1025, the hijack folded, and Affleck called.

They both checked through the {7-Hearts} on the turn.

The {K-Clubs} on the river completed the board and Affleck's opponent check-called the 2,100 bet. Affleck showed {A-Hearts}{8-Clubs} for a pair of aces with the eight-kicker. His opponent showed {A-Spades}{6-} for the same pair but a lower kicker.

Player Chips Progress
Matt Affleck us
Matt Affleck

Tags: Matt Affleck

Level: 5

Blinds: 150/300

Ante: 50

Joe Cada Knocks Out Michael Gagliano

Level 4 : 100/200, 25 ante
Joe Cada
Joe Cada

2009 Main Event winner Joe Cada is one of the bigger names in the field today and he just knocked out Michael Gagliano.

Gagliano was all in from the hijack and was called by Cada in the small blind.

Gagliano: {K-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}
Cada: {A-Clubs}{7-Hearts}

The board ran out {A-Spades}{9-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} — no help for Gagliano — and he was eliminated. As reentry is still possible, he might be back later.

Player Chips Progress
Joe Cada us
Joe Cada
WSOP Main Event Champion
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 4X Winner
Michael Gagliano us
Michael Gagliano
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Joe CadaMichael Gagliano

Allen Cunningham Folds

Level 4 : 100/200, 25 ante

Allen Cunningham raised to 400 from the cutoff and Armando Figueroa in the big blind called.

They both checked through the {J-Hearts}{K-Hearts}{8-Clubs} on the flop.

Figueroa check-called the 400 bet of Cunningham on the {2-Diamonds} on the turn.

The {8-Spades} on the river completed the board. Figueroa bet 1,400.

"Alright, you can have it," Cunningham said.

"Come on, you can pay me once!" Figueroa exclaimed. He showed the {8-Diamonds} for a set of eights and Cunningham just smiled.

"I am playing so badly against you," Figueroa muttered afterwards.

Player Chips Progress
Allen Cunningham us
Allen Cunningham
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Allen CunninghamArmando Figueroa

Level: 4

Blinds: 100/200

Ante: 25

Katie Lindsay Wins

Level 3 : 75/150, 25 ante

Hand #1: On the table, the board read {5-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{5-Clubs} and Katie Lindsay was all in from the big blind for her remaining 1,500 chips. The player in the cutoff called and showed {A-Clubs}{8-Clubs} for two pairs, eights and fives with the ace kicker. Lindsay, however, showed {K-Hearts}{K-Diamonds} for a higher two pairs. The river was a blank and Lindsay survived.

Hand #2: In the next hand, Lindsay called the 500 raise of the same player but now he was sitting in the hijack and Lindsay in the small blind. The flop came {J-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} on which they both checked. The turn was the {10-Hearts}, Lindsay bet 800, and her opponent called. The river completed the board with the {8-Hearts}. Lindsay bet 2,500 and her opponent folded.

Player Chips Progress
Katie Lindsay us
Katie Lindsay

Tags: Katie Lindsay