2017 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Hands #124-126: Blair Pushes the Action

Level 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #124: Eric Blair raised to 125,000, and everyone folded.

Hand #125: Blair raised to 125,000, and James Hughes called from the big blind. The flop came {9-Diamonds}{5-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}, and Hughes check-folded to a bet of 150,000 from Blair.

Hand #126: Hughes limped from the small blind, and Blair raised to 175,000, getting a fold from his opponent.

Hand #127: Hughes raised to 125,000 on the button and Reginald Hampton defended his big blind. The flop came {k-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{3-Hearts} and both players checked to the {j-Diamonds} on the turn and the {10-Hearts} on the river. Hampton led out for 150,000, Hughes re-raised to 375,000 and Hampton folded.

Tags: Eric BlairJames Hughes

Level: 28

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 10,000

Hands #129-131: James Hughes Takes Over the Lead

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #128: James Hughes raised to 120,000 from the cutoff, and Reginald Hampton three-bet to 260,000 from the small blind. Hughes called. The flop came {q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{10-Spades}, and Hampton bet 410,000. Hughes called. The turn was the {10-Hearts}, and both players checked to the {3-Hearts} on the river. Hampton bet 450,000, Hughes raised to 1,100,000, and Hampton mucked.

Hand #129: Michael Gathy called from the small blind, and Thomas Reynolds checked his option from the big blind. The flop came {q-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}, Gathy checked, Reynolds bet 75,000, and Gathy folded.

Hand #130: Eric Blair raised to 125,000 from under the gun, and James Hughes defended his big blind. The flop came {j-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{3-Spades}, and both players checked to the {10-Spades} on the turn. Hughes bet 200,000, and Blair called. The river was the {7-Clubs}, Hughes bet 280,000, and Blair folded.

Hand #131: Hughes called from the small blind, and Blair checked his option. The flop came {7-Spades}{5-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}, Hughes bet 105,000, and Blair folded.

Player Chips Progress
James Hughes us
James Hughes
Reginald Hampton ca
Reginald Hampton
Eric Blair us
Eric Blair
Thomas Reynolds us
Thomas Reynolds
WSOP 1X Winner
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Eric BlairJames HughesMichael GathyReginald HamptonThomas Reynolds

Hands #132-137: Gathy Finds Another Double-Up

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #132: Thomas Reynolds raised to 125,000, and Eric Blair three-bet to 400,000, getting everyone to fold.

Hand #133: Reginald Hampton raised to 180,000 from the small blind, and Michael Gathy folded the big blind.

Hand #134: Gathy raised all in for 225,000 from the small blind, and Reynolds called. Gathy showed {j-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}, and Reynolds was ahead with {a-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}. The flop came {j-Hearts}{5-Hearts}{3-Spades}, and Gathy took the lead. The turn was the {4-Spades}, and the river brought the {j-Clubs}, giving Gathy another double-up.

Hand #135: James Hughes received a walk.

Hand #136: Everyone folded to Blair in the big blind.

Hand #137: Reynolds raised to 125,000 from the cutoff, and Blair reraised to 400,000 from the small blind. Reynolds called, and the flop came {10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}. Blair checked, Reynolds pushed all in, and Blair quickly folded.

Tags: Eric BlairJames HughesMichael GathyReginald HamptonThomas Reynolds

Hands #138-142: Reynolds Ramps it Up

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #138: Reginald Hampton limped from the small blind, and Michael Gathy checked his option. The flop came {j-Spades}{9-Spades}{3-Hearts}, Hampton led out for 125,000, and Gathy folded. "Five-high," said Gathy.

Hand #139: Gathy shoved from the small blind and won the big blind and antes.

Hand #140: Eric Blair raised to 125,000 from under the gun, Thomas Reynolds three-bet to 380,000 from the button, and Blair mucked.

Hand #141: Reynolds raised to 125,000 on the button, James Hughes three-bet to 375,000, and Reynolds called. The flop came {10-Spades}{7-Spades}{2-Spades}, Hughes led out for 275,000, and Reynolds moved all in. Hughes mucked.

Hand #142: Hughes raised to 150,000 on the button and raked in the pot.

Tags: Eric BlairJames HughesMichael GathyReginald HamptonThomas Reynolds

Hands #143-144: Hampton Makes a Three-Bet

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #143: Reginald Hampton raised to 125,000 from the small blind, and Michael Gathy called in the big blind. The flop came {9-Hearts}{8-Spades}{5-Diamonds}, and Hampton checked. Gathy bet 300,000, and Hampton folded.

Hand #144: Eric Blair raised to 150,000 from the cutoff, and Hampton three-bet to 375,000 on the button, taking down the pot.

Tags: Eric BlairMichael GathyReginald Hampton

Michael Gathy Eliminated in 5th Place ($70,884)

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante
Michael Gathy
Michael Gathy

Hand #145: Michael Gathy shoved all in on the button for 560,000, and James Hughes quickly called out of the big blind. Hughes was ahead with {a-Spades}{4-Diamonds} against Gathy's {j-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}, but Gathy has won in these situations previously.

The flop came {a-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{2-Spades}, and Hughes pulled way out front. The turn was the {8-Clubs}, and the river brought the {4-Spades}, eliminating Gathy in fifth place.

Player Chips Progress
James Hughes us
James Hughes
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: James HughesMichael Gathy

Hands #146-150: Splashing Around

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #146:Thomas Reynolds raised to 150,000 on the button and raked in the pot.

Hand #147: Reginald Hampton got a walk.

Hand #148: Hampton limped in from the small blind, and Reynolds checked from the big blind. The flop came {k-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{2-Diamonds}, Hampton bet 85,000, and Reynolds folded.

Hand #149: Eric Blair raised to 125,000 from under the gun, and James Hughes called from the big blind. The flop came {a-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}, and both players checked to the {7-Hearts} on the turn. Hughes check-folded to a bet of 150,000 from Blair.

Hand #150: Hughes called from the small blind, and Blair checked his option from the big blind. The flop came {q-Spades}{q-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}, and both players checked. The turn was the {9-Diamonds}, Hughes bet 90,000, and Blair folded.

Tags: Eric BlairJames HughesReginald HamptonThomas Reynolds

Hands #151-155: Hughes and Reynolds Scoop Pots

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

hand #151: James Hughes raised to 135,000 on the button, and the blinds folded.

Hand #152: Hughes raised to 135,000 again, and everyone folded.

Hand #153: Reginald Hampton raised to 130,000, and Hughes called from the big blind. The flop came {8-Spades}{4-Hearts}{3-Clubs}, and Hughes checked to Hampton, who bet 230,000. Hughes raised all in after about two minutes in the tank. Hampton quickly folded.

Hand #154: Thomas Reynolds called on the button, and Hughes called from the small blind. Eric Blair checked his option, and the flop came {q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}. The action was checked to Reynolds, who bet 110,000 to win the hand.

Hand #155: Reynolds raised to 125,000 and picked up the pot.

Tags: Eric BlairJames HughesReginald HamptonThomas Reynolds

Hands #156-158: Hughes Chips Away

Level 28 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #156: James Hughes raised to 135,000 from under the gun, Thomas Reynolds three-bet to 445,000 from the big blind, and Hughes mucked.

Hand #157: Reynolds called from the small blind, and Hughes checked his option from the big blind. The flop came {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{3-Spades}, and both players checked to the {6-Diamonds} on the turn. Reynolds checked, Hughes bet 60,000, and Reynolds called. The river was the {7-Spades}, and Reynolds check-folded to a bet of 130,000 from Hughes.

Hand #158: Reynolds raised to 125,000 on the button and won the pot.

Tags: James HughesThomas Reynolds