2017 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Hands #51-54: Hughes Tank-Folds on the River

Level 25 : 15,000/30,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #51: Eric Blair raised to 80,000 on the button and raked in the pot.

Hand #52: Thomas Reynolds raised to 60,000 from middle position and got no action.

Hand #53: Blair raised to 80,000 from the hijack, Chris Johnson three-bet to 200,000, and Blair mucked.

Hand #54: James Hughes raised to 65,000 from under the gun and Johnson called from the cutoff. The flop came {9-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{5-Hearts} and both players checked to the {3-Spades} on the turn and the {8-Diamonds} on the river. Hughes checked and Johnson bet 75,000. Hughes went into the tank for several minutes before a player at the table called the clock. The tournament director counted down from 30 seconds and Hughes eventually folded.

Tags: Chris JohnsonEric BlairJames HughesThomas Reynolds

Level: 26

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 5,000

Hands #55-59: Four All-Ins, No Calls

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #55: Michael Gathy moved all in on the button and the blinds folded.

Hand #56: The action was folded to James Hughes in the small blind who moved all in and the big blind folded.

Hand #57: Eric Blair limped the small blind and Reginald Hampton checked his option. The flop came {5-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and both players checked to the {k-Hearts} turn. Blair bet 60,000 and Hampton folded.

Hand #58: James Hughes raised to 85,000 from the cutoff and Chris Johnson called from the big blind. The flop came {a-Hearts}{7-Spades}{3-Clubs} and both players checked. The turn was the {10-Hearts} and Johnson led out for 80,000. Hughes raised to 200,000 and Johnson called to see the {a-Clubs} on the river. Johnson checked, Hughes shoved all in, and Johnson folded.

Hand #59: Blair raised to 80,000 in the cutoff and Vlad Darie shipped all-in for 575,000 out of the big blind. Blair thought for a moment but folded.

Tags: Chris JohnsonEric BlairJames HughesMichael GathyReginald HamptonVlad Darie

Hands #60-64: A Couple of Walks

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #60: Michael Gathy got a walk.

Hand #61: Reginald Hampton raised to 85,000 from the hijack and got no action.

Hand #62: Chris Johnson raised to 80,000 from the hijack and everyone folded.

Hand #63: Eric Blair got a walk.

Hand #64: Thomas Reynolds limped in from the cutoff, Blair raised to 175,000 from the small blind, and everyone folded.

Player Chips Progress
Reg Hampton
Reg Hampton
Eric Blair us
Eric Blair
Thomas Reynolds us
Thomas Reynolds
WSOP 1X Winner
Chris Johnson us
Chris Johnson
James Hughes us
James Hughes
Vlad Darie ro
Vlad Darie
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Chris JohnsonEric BlairMichael GathyReginald HamptonThomas Reynolds

Hands #65-69: Johnson Has the All-In Button On Speed Dial

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson

Hand #65: Chris Johnson got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #66: The action was checked to Johnson in the small blind who moved all in and Vlad Darie folded the big blind.

Hand #67: Johnson pushed all in from the button and picked up the blinds and antes.

Hand #68: Eric Blair raised to 80,000 from middle position and was called by Reginald Hampton and Thomas Reynolds in the big blind. The flop was {9-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{4-Clubs} and the action was checked to Hampton who bet 110,000. Both opponents folded.

Hand #69: Johnson raised to 80,000 from middle position and James Hughes called in the big blind. The flop came {q-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{6-Hearts} and Hughes check-called a bet of 100,000. The turn was the {k-Diamonds} and Hughes checked again. Johnson went all in and Hughes folded.

Tags: Chris JohnsonEric BlairJames HughesReginald HamptonThomas ReynoldsVlad Darie

Hands #70-74: Darie Cracks Gathy's Aces

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Vlad Darie
Vlad Darie

Hand #70: Reginald Hampton raised to 85,000 from under the gun before Michael Gathy moved all in from the cutoff and got no action.

Hand #71: Thomas Reynolds raised to 80,000 from the cutoff and Hampton defended his big blind. The flop came {k-Spades}{9-Clubs}{2-Clubs} and Hampton check-folded to a bet of 100,000 from Reynolds.

Hand #72: Hampton limped in from the small blind and Chris Johnson checked his option. The flop came {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{8-Spades}, Hampton led out for 60,000, and Johnson open-folded {7-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}. "I was hoping you'd bet so I could fold," he laughed.

Hand #73: Gathy raised to 90,000 from under the gun and everyone mucked.

Hand #74: Action folded to Vlad Darie in the small blind and he raised to 320,000. Gathy moved all in for 735,000 and Darie called for 515,000 total.

Darie tabled {a-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}, at risk against Gathy's {a-Hearts}{a-Clubs}. The flop came {6-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{4-Hearts} and the rail behind Darie erupted when they saw he flopped a straight draw. The turn was the {8-Hearts} and they cheered even louder when he turned his straight. There were three hearts on board though, and he had to dodge another, but the {3-Clubs} hit the river and Darie doubled through.

Player Chips Progress
Vlad Darie ro
Vlad Darie
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Chris JohnsonMichael GathyReginald HamptonThomas ReynoldsVlad Darie

Hands #75-79: Gathy Gets Short and Doubles Again

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #75: The action was folded to Michael Gathy in the small blind and he moved all in for 230,000. Thomas Reynolds called from the big blind and turned over {10-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}. Gathy showed {q-Hearts}{2-Clubs} and the flop came {q-Spades}{7-Hearts}{4-Spades}, putting Gathy well out in front. The turn was the {k-Clubs} and the river was the {7-Clubs}, giving Gathy a double-up.

Hand #76: Gathy moved all in from the button and the blinds folded.

Hand #77: Vlad Darie raised to 80,000 and Eric Blair called from the big blind. The flop came {q-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} and both players checked to the {q-Diamonds} on the turn. Darie bet 150,000 and won the hand.

Hand #78: Eric Blair limped the small blind and Reginald Hampton raised to 115,000 from the big blind. Blair tossed his cards away.

Hand #79: Blair raised to 100,000 on the button and Chris Johnson called from the big blind. The flop was {j-Clubs}{4-Spades}{3-Spades} and Johnson check-folded to a bet of 130,000 from Blair.

Tags: Chris JohnsonEric BlairMichael GathyReginald HamptonThomas ReynoldsVlad Darie

Hands #80-85: Aggression From the Hijack

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #80: James Hughes was in the hijack and went into the tank for about two minutes before a player called the clock on him to act preflop. He has had the clock called on him a few times already, so the tournament director counted down from 20 seconds. Eventually, he raised to 130,000 and everyone quickly folded.

Hand #81: Eric Blair raised to 80,000 from the hijack and got no action.

Hand #82: Reginald Hampton raised to 85,000 from the hijack and scooped the blinds and antes.

Hand #83: Vlad Darie raised to 80,000 from the cutoff and everyone folded.

Hand #84: Blair got a walk.

Hand #85: Chris Johnson raised to 80,000 from under the gun and Thomas Reynolds called from the cutoff. The flop came {j-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}, Johnson checked, Reynolds bet 80,000, and Johnson mucked.

Tags: Chris JohnsonEric BlairJames HughesReginald HamptonThomas ReynoldsVlad Darie

Hands #86-90: Thomas Reynolds Plays Old-School Poker

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #86: Eric Blair raised to 100,000 on the button and the blinds folded.

Hand #87: Thomas Reynolds raised to 80,000 and Vlad Darie called from the big blind. The flop came {a-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{7-Hearts} and Reynolds bet 80,000 to win the pot.

Hand #88: Reynolds limped from under-the-gun and Darie raised to 180,000 from the small blind. Reynolds shoved all-in and Darie quickly mucked.

Hand #89: Michael Gathy limped the small blind and Reynolds min-raised to 80,000 from the big blind. Gathy folded.

Hand #90: Darie raised to 80,000 from the cutoff and James Hughes went all-in for 625,000 in the big blind. Darie thought for a couple minutes but eventually folded.

Tags: Eric BlairJames HughesMichael GathyThomas ReynoldsVlad Darie

Dinner Break

Level 26 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

The final seven players are now on a 60-minute dinner break. Play will resume at approximately 7:15 p.m.

In the meantime, here is a look at how the remaining players stack up:

Player Chips Progress
Reginald Hampton ca
Reginald Hampton
Thomas Reynolds us
Thomas Reynolds
WSOP 1X Winner
Eric Blair us
Eric Blair
Chris Johnson us
Chris Johnson
Vlad Darie ro
Vlad Darie
James Hughes us
James Hughes
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Chris JohnsonEric BlairJames HughesMichael GathyReginald HamptonThomas ReynoldsVlad Darie