2017 World Series of Poker

Event #37: $1,000 No-Limit Hold'em
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
60,000 / 120,000

Hilton Givens Eliminated in 17th Place ($11,445)

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Hilton Givens
Hilton Givens

Joep Raemaekers opened the pot with a raise to 33,000 from early position. James Hughes was on the button and three-bet to 88,000. Hilton Givens was in the big blind and shipped all in for 210,000. Raemaekers folded and Hughes made the call.

Hilton Givens: {a-Spades}{q-Spades}
James Hughes: {a-Hearts}{k-Spades}

The board ran out {8-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{2-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{5-Spades} and Givens was unable to come from behind, thus being eliminated in 17th place.

Player Chips Progress
James Hughes us
James Hughes
Hilton Givens us
Hilton Givens

Tags: James HughesJoep Raemaekers

Ryan Smith Eliminated in 16th Place ($11,445)

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Ryan Smith
Ryan Smith

Thomas Reynolds raised to 35,000 from middle position and Ryan Smith moved all in for 170,000 on the button. Reynolds tanked for a minute and eventually called.

Smith was at risk and miles ahead with {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}, up against the {a-Spades}{10-Hearts} of Reynolds.

The flop came {a-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{4-Clubs} and Reynolds immediately pulled ahead with a pair of aces. The turn was the {10-Diamonds} and the river was the {9-Clubs}, sending Smith to the rail in 16th place while pocketing $11,445 for his deep run.

Player Chips Progress
Thomas Reynolds us
Thomas Reynolds
WSOP 1X Winner
Ryan Smith ca
Ryan Smith

Tags: Ryan SmithThomas Reynolds

Jeff Blenkarn Eliminated in 15th Place ($14,382)

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Jeff Blenkarn
Jeff Blenkarn

Jeff Blenkarn raised to 40,000 from the hijack and Thomas Reynolds called on the button. The flop came {k-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{9-Clubs} and Blenkarn shoved all-in for 140,000. Reynolds quickly called and the cards were face up.

Reynolds: {k-Clubs}{q-Hearts}
Blenkarn: {a-Hearts}{k-Spades}

Reynolds out-flopped his opponent and Blenkarn would need to catch an ace to stay alive in the tournament. The turn was the {j-Spades} and the river brought the {6-Hearts} and Blenkarn was eliminated in 15th place.

Player Chips Progress
Thomas Reynolds us
Thomas Reynolds
WSOP 1X Winner
Jeff Blenkarn us
Jeff Blenkarn
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Jeff BlenkarnThomas Reynolds

Vlad Darie Cracks Aces and Finds a Huge Double Through Chad Layne

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Vlad Darie
Vlad Darie

Michael Gathy raised to 40,000 from under the gun and Vlad Darie three-bet to 135,000 from middle position. Chad Layne was in the small blind and went into the tank for about a minute before moving all in for 719,000. Gathy had a long think before releasing his hand, and Darie called for his last 608,000.

Darie was at risk with {k-Hearts}{k-Clubs} and was in rough shape against the {a-Spades}{a-Diamonds} of Layne.

The flop came {9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{3-Clubs}. Layne looked over to see if Darie had the king of clubs, and he immediately put his head in his hands when he saw he did. The turn was the {q-Clubs} and Darie's rail erupted when he pulled ahead with a flush, leaving Layne drawing dead to the {9-Diamonds} on the river.

Player Chips Progress
Vlad Darie ro
Vlad Darie
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner
Chad Layne us
Chad Layne

Tags: Chad LayneMichael GathyVlad Darie

Chad Layne Eliminated in 14th Place ($14,382)

Level 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Chad Layne
Chad Layne

The action was folded to short-stacked Chad Layne who moved all in for his remaining 107,000 in late position. Chris Johnson called from the button and the blinds folded. Johnson was ahead with {8-Spades}{8-Clubs} against Layne's {a-Hearts}{10-Hearts}.

The flop of {j-Spades}{6-Hearts}{5-Spades} was no help to Layne, but the {j-Hearts} on the turn gave him some more outs as he picked up a flush draw to go with his two overcards. The river was the {q-Diamonds} and Layne was sent to the cash cage in 14th place.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Johnson us
Chris Johnson
Chad Layne us
Chad Layne

Tags: Chad LayneChris Johnson

Level: 23

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 3,000

Allan Bieler Eliminated in 13th Place ($14,382)

Level 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Allan Bieler
Allan Bieler

Chad Eveslage managed to get his stack in the middle before the flop, getting action from Allan Bieler. Eveslage was at risk for his last 431,000 with Bieler having him covered by just 60,000.

Chad Eveslage: {a-Diamonds}{k-Spades}
Allan Bieler: {j-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}

It was a classic race, and Eveslage took the lead after the dealer fanned the flop reading {k-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}, giving him a pair of kings. The turn was the {8-Clubs} and the river was the {3-Diamonds}. Eveslage locked up the double and Bieler was left with just a few big blinds.

In the very next hand, Bieler was all in from middle position and was called by Daniel Deveau in the small blind and James Hughes in the big blind. The two players on the side checked down a board reading {9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds} and the hands were tabled. Hughes was ahead with {k-Hearts}{4-Spades} for a pair of fours, Deveau showed {a-Clubs}{6-Spades} for ace-high and Bieler tabled {k-Clubs}{8-Spades} for king-high to be eliminated.

Player Chips Progress
Chad Eveslage us
Chad Eveslage
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner
Allan Bieler us
Allan Bieler

Tags: Allan BielerChad EveslageDaniel DeveauJames Hughes

Shaun Davis Eliminated in 12th Place ($18,270)

Level 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Shaun Davis
Shaun Davis

Shaun Davis raised to 50,000 from the cutoff and Chris Johnson three-bet to 130,000 from the small blind. Davis called and the flop came {q-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{2-Hearts}. Johnson bet 80,000 and Davis went all in for 265,000. Johnson quickly threw a chip in signifying a call and turned over {k-Spades}{k-Diamonds}. Davis was behind with {a-Hearts}{j-Diamonds} and would need some help to stay alive.

The turn brought the help Davis was looking for in the form of the {a-Diamonds}. However, the {k-Clubs} on the river quickly erased all of that as Johnson made three kings. Davis was eliminated in 12th place leaving only one elimination away from the unofficial final table.

Player Chips Progress
Chris Johnson us
Chris Johnson
Shaun Davis us
Shaun Davis

Tags: Chris JohnsonShaun Davis

Li Fu Eliminated in 11th Place ($18,270)

Level 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante
Li Fu
Li Fu

Li Fu moved all in for her last 250,000 from under the gun and Michael Gathy quickly called from late position.

Fu was at risk with {a-Clubs}{9-Hearts}, well behind the {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds} of Gathy.

The flop came {10-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{4-Spades} and Fu still needed to catch nine to improve. The turn was the {j-Hearts} and the river was the {k-Diamonds}, giving Gathy an unnecessary straight to eliminate Fu on the unofficial final table bubble.

Player Chips Progress
Michael Gathy be
Michael Gathy
WSOP 3X Winner
Li Fu cn
Li Fu

Tags: Li FuMichael Gathy