2017 World Series of Poker

Event #32: $1,500 Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Mix
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
15,000 / 30,000

Day 3 Begins at 2 p.m. Local Time, Howard Smith Leads

Howard Smith
Howard Smith

Welcome back to Event #32: $1,500 Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Mix at the 2017 World Series of Poker. When Day 3 begins at 2 p.m. local time, 29 players will take their seats to continue their quests for WSOP gold.

Leading the way is Howard Smith, who bagged 466,500 chips at the end of Day 2, and nipping at his heels are Erle Mankin (465,000), Yueqi Zhu (448,500), and Igor Sharaskin (445,000). Several well-known players are also still in contention, including Allen Kessler (74,500), Usman Siddique (117,500), and John Racener with a short stack of 27,000.

This event is scheduled to play down to a winner on Day 3, but with so many players remaining in the field, it's probable that play will continue for a fourth day. Play on Day 3 will consist of 10 one-hour levels with 15-minute breaks every two levels and a one-hour dinner break after the sixth level of the day at approximately 8:30 local time.

Check back here for all the latest updates from Event #32: $1,500 Omaha Hi-Lo 8 or Better Mix from the PokerNews live reporting team.

RoomTableSeatPlayerCountryChip Count
Brasilia7081John RacenerUnited States27,000
Brasilia7082Erle MankinUnited States465,000
Brasilia7083Usman SiddiqueUnited Kingdom117,500
Brasilia7084Danny WoolardUnited States350,500
Brasilia7086Stephen JohnsonUnited States38,000
Brasilia7087Matthew SmithUnited States38,000
Brasilia7092Nikolai YakovenkoRussia120,000
Brasilia7093Joshua GibsonUnited States68,000
Brasilia7094Brian WongUnited States120,000
Brasilia7095Chunyang WuUnited States29,500
Brasilia7096Eric PrattUnited States84,000
Brasilia7097Yueqi ZhuChina448,500
Brasilia7121Vladimir ShchemelevRussia256,000
Brasilia7122Ben LandowskiUnited States111,500
Brasilia7123David BrookshireUnited States145,000
Brasilia7124Allyn ShulmanUnited States109,500
Brasilia7126Tai NguyenUnited States17,400
Brasilia7131Allen KesslerUnited States74,500
Brasilia7133Jean-Marc ThomasFrance53,000
Brasilia7134Eddie BlumenthalUnited States226,000
Brasilia7135Gregory JamisonUnited States127,500
Brasilia7136Jesse SimonelliUnited States150,000
Brasilia7137Igor SharaskinRussia445,000
Brasilia7141Matthew SannerFrance169,000
Brasilia7142Mark HermUnited States200,000
Brasilia7143Jared HemingwayUnited States135,500
Brasilia7144Rock HowardUnited States383,500
Brasilia7145Howard SmithUnited Kingdom466,500
Brasilia7147Alan SternbergUnited States31,000

Tags: Allen KesslerErle MankinHoward SmithIgor SharaskinJohn RacenerUsman SiddiqueYueqi Zhu

Jared Hemingway Eliminated in 21st Place ($7,162)

Level 21 : 2,500/5,000, 0 ante
Jared Hemingway
Jared Hemingway

Big O

As recapped to us by Gregory Jamison, a short-stacked Jared Hemingway was all in for about 40,000. Jamison looked him up and ended up making the nut club flush with the nut low, eliminating Hemingway in 21st place.

Player Chips Progress
Gregory Jamison us
Gregory Jamison
Jared Hemingway us
Jared Hemingway

Tags: Gregory JamisonJared Hemingway

Joshua Gibson Eliminated in 20th Place ($7,162)

Level 21 : 2,500/5,000, 0 ante
Joshua Gibson - 20th place
Joshua Gibson - 20th place

Big O

In a battle of the blinds, Joshua Gibson was all in from the big blind for about 40,000 against Usman Siddique in the small blind.

Gibson: {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}{Q-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{6-Hearts}
Siddique: {K-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{3-Spades}

The board came down {K-Spades}{8-Spades}{7-Spades}{A-Hearts}{6-Spades}, giving Siddique a flush with a seven-six low to scoop the pot and eliminate Gibson.

Player Chips Progress
Usman Siddique gb
Usman Siddique
Joshua Gibson us
Joshua Gibson

Tags: Joshua GibsonUsman Siddique

Alan Sternberg Eliminated in 19th Place ($7,162)

Level 21 : 2,500/5,000, 0 ante
Alan Sternberg - 19th place
Alan Sternberg - 19th place

Big O

Alan Sternberg came into the day as the second-shortest stack with 31,000 and wound up all in for 9,000 from early position against Usman Siddique on the button.

Sternberg: {J-Spades}{5-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}
Siddique: {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{6-Spades}

The flop fell {10-Spades}{6-Hearts}{5-Spades}, giving Sternberg a ton of outs to scoop. However, neither the {K-Hearts} turn nor the {Q-Diamonds} river helped, ending Sternberg's tournament in 19th place.

Player Chips Progress
Usman Siddique gb
Usman Siddique
Alan Sternberg us
Alan Sternberg
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Alan SternbergUsman Siddique

Allen Kessler Eliminated in 18th Place ($7,162)

Level 22 : 3,000/6,000, 0 ante
Allen Kessler earlier on Day 3
Allen Kessler earlier on Day 3


Following a flop of {J-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}, Allen Kessler was all in from the hijack for about 60,000 with {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{2-Clubs}. Igor Sharaskin had him at risk with {A-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{5-Spades}.

Kessler was in the lead with a pair of tens, but the {4-Hearts} turn and {5-Clubs} river completed the board to give Sharaskin trip fives, ending Kessler's tournament in 18th place.

Player Chips Progress
Igor Sharaskin ru
Igor Sharaskin
Allen Kessler us
Allen Kessler
$25K Fantasy

Tags: Allen KesslerIgor Sharaskin

Eric Pratt Eliminated in 17th Place ($7,162)

Level 22 : 3,000/6,000, 0 ante
Eric Pratt - 17th place
Eric Pratt - 17th place


Usman Siddique raised to 14,000 from the cutoff, Danny Woolard called from the button, and Eric Pratt three-bet to 60,000 out of the small blind. Siddique reraised all in, Woolard folded, and Pratt called to put himself at risk.

Siddique: {A-Hearts}{J-Spades}{4-Clubs}{3-Clubs}
Pratt: {A-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}{4-Spades}{2-Diamonds}

The board ran out {K-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{K-Clubs}, pairing Siddique's three, and he took the pot to send Pratt to the cage.

Player Chips Progress
Usman Siddique gb
Usman Siddique
Eric Pratt us
Eric Pratt

Tags: Eric PrattUsman Siddique

Mark Herm Eliminated in 16th Place ($7,162)

Level 22 : 3,000/6,000, 0 ante
Mark Herm - 16th place
Mark Herm - 16th place

Big O

Mark Herm raised pot from under the gun, Stephen Johnson reraised all in from the button for 71,000, and Herm called.

Herm: {A-Spades}{K-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{2-Diamonds}
Johnson: {A-Diamonds}{A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{4-Clubs}

The board came down {5-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}, giving Johnson fours full of nines to double through Herm.

Down to about 15,000, Herm busted the following hand.

Player Chips Progress
Stephen Johnson us
Stephen Johnson
Mark Herm us
Mark Herm

Tags: Mark Herm

Allyn Shulman Eliminated in 15th Place ($7,162)

Level 23 : 4,000/8,000, 0 ante
Allyn Shulman - 15th place
Allyn Shulman - 15th place


Igor Sharaskin raised from the button and Allyn Shulman defended her big blind.

The flop came down {A-Clubs}{K-Clubs}{7-Hearts} and Shulman led out. Sharaskin raised and Shulman called all in.

Sharaskin: {A-Diamonds}{A-Spades}{9-Hearts}{7-Spades}
Shulman: {K-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{9-Spades}

Shulman was on the wrong side of set over set, and found no help from the {8-Diamonds} turn and {5-Diamonds} river to bust in 15th place.

Player Chips Progress
Igor Sharaskin ru
Igor Sharaskin
Allyn Shulman us
Allyn Shulman
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Allyn ShulmanIgor Sharaskin

Stephen Johnson Eliminated in 14th Place ($9,069)

Level 23 : 4,000/8,000, 0 ante
Stephen Johnson - 14th place
Stephen Johnson - 14th place


Down to 18,000, Stephen Johnson raised all in from early position. Usman Siddique called from the button, Danny Woolard called from the small blind, and Nikolai Yakovenko called from the big blind.

The flop came down {Q-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}, and Woolard bet. Yakovenko raised, Siddique folded, Woolard reraised, and Yakovenko called. The turn was the {2-Spades}, Woolard bet, and Yakovenko called. The river was the {4-Spades}, Woolard checked, Yakovenko bet, and Woolard called.

Yakovenko showed {A-Spades}{9-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{3-Hearts} for a wheel, Woolard mucked, and Yakovenko won the side pot. Johnson showed {9-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{3-Clubs} and was eliminated in 14th place.

Player Chips Progress
Nikolai Yakovenko ru
Nikolai Yakovenko
Danny Woolard us
Danny Woolard
Stephen Johnson us
Stephen Johnson

Tags: Danny WoolardNikolai YakovenkoStephen JohnsonUsman Siddique

Gregory Jamison Eliminated in 13th Place ($9,069)

Level 23 : 4,000/8,000, 0 ante
Gregory Jamison - 13th place
Gregory Jamison - 13th place


Gregory Jamison raised from under the gun, Igor Sharaskin three-bet from the button, and Jamison called for the remainder of his stack.

Jamison: {A-Hearts}{K-Clubs}{8-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}
Sharaskin: {A-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{2-Clubs}

The board ran out {Q-Diamonds}{Q-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{3-Hearts}{10-Hearts}, pairing Sharaskin's ten, and he took the pot to end Jamison's run in this tournament.

Player Chips Progress
Igor Sharaskin ru
Igor Sharaskin
Gregory Jamison us
Gregory Jamison

Tags: Gregory JamisonIgor Sharaskin