2017 World Series of Poker

Event #22: $10,000 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw Championship
Day: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
25,000 / 50,000

Event #22: $10,000 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw Championship

Day 3 Started

A New Name Etched in Poker History... Who Will it Be?

John Monnette leads the field into Day 3
John Monnette leads the field into Day 3

Just eight players will return this afternoon to wage war on the felt in hopes of claiming one of the most coveted and prestigious gold bracelets of the summer. The third and final day of the Event #22: $10,000 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw championship kicks off at 2 p.m.

Two-time World Series of Poker (WSOP) gold bracelet winner John Monnette will resume play with the chip lead, and a sizeable one at that. Monnette brings a stack of 1,051,000 to the unofficial final table, almost double that of his closest competitor, Darren Elias, with 637,500.

Here is how the final eight players stack up:

SeatPlayerCountryChip CountBig Blinds
1Paul VolpeUnited States315,00020
2John MonnetteUnited States1,051,00065
3Darren EliasUnited States637,50040
4Mike GorodinskyUnited States591,00037
5Mike LeahCanada618,50038
6Xavier KyablueUnited States484,50030
7Per HildebrandSweden474,50029
8James ChenTaiwan428,00036

Two more dual-bracelet wielders join Monnette at the table, including the 2014 champ of this very event, Paul Volpe, and Mike Gorodinsky. Mike Leah is the only other member of the table holding a bracelet, though Leah's was not won in the summer series. Leah took down the High Roller event at the 2014 WSOP Asia-Pacific.

Xavier Kyablue, Darren Elias, Per Hildebrand and James Chen will be looking to notch their first WSOP title.

Everyone returning this afternoon has already locked up over $24,000, but the focus will clearly be on the top prize of $256,610 and even more important, what comes with first place. Players will take their seats in the Brasilia room at 2 p.m. and play until a new champion is crowned.

Follow along as PokerNews has a front-row seat to the action, bringing live coverage and updates all day long.

Tags: Darren EliasJames ChenJohn MonnetteMike GorodinskyMike LeahPaul VolpePer HildebrandXavier Kyablue

Level: 21

Blinds: 8,000/16,000

Ante: 4,000

Paul Volpe Eliminated in 8th Place ($24,498)

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 4,000 ante
Paul Volpe
Paul Volpe

Paul Volpe opened to 42,000 and action folded to Mike Leah. Leah looked down, put his sunglasses on, and announced he was all in.

Volpe quickly called, putting himself at risk. Leah drew one and Volpe patted, revealing a nine-seven with {9-}{7-}{6-}{4-}{2-}. Leah flipped over {7-}{6-}{3-}{2-} and was drawing live.

"Want to sweat it with me, Paul?" Leah said as he being to peel the card. "It's a four-sider, clubs," Leah said as he palmed the card and tabled a {9-Clubs} to narrowly edge Volpe and send him to the rail in eighth place.

Volpe earned $24,498 for the cash while Leah is now in the chip lead.

Player Chips Progress
Mike Leah ca
Mike Leah
WSOP 1X Winner
Paul Volpe us
Paul Volpe
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Mike LeahPaul Volpe

Kyablue Doubles Through Leah

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 4,000 ante

Mike Leah opened on the button with a raise to 40,000. Next to act was Xavier Kyablue in the small blind and he moved all in. Leah called.

Kyablue took one then Leah turned over his {J-}{8-}{6-}{5-}{2-}, standing pat. Kyablue showed {8-}{6-}{3-}{2-}.

"Can I sweat it with you?" Leah asked. They sweated the card together then Kyablue turned up the {9-}, making a better hand and doubling through Leah.

"That wasn't a very good sweat at all," Leah said after the hand while laughing. Kyablue looks to be the chip leader after that pot.

Player Chips Progress
Xavier Kyablue us
Xavier Kyablue
$25K Fantasy
Mike Leah ca
Mike Leah
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Mike LeahXavier Kyablue

Mike Leah Eliminated in 7th Place ($31,903)

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 4,000 ante
Mike Leah
Mike Leah

John Monnette opened to 43,000 and Mike Leah moved all in. Xavier Kylablue four-bet jammed over top and Monnette folded.

Leah drew one and Kyablue stood pat. Kyablue tabled a {9-}{7-}{6-}{4-}{2-} for a nine-seven and Leah turned over a {9-}{6-}{5-}{4-}, drawing live.

Leah's peel was quick and painful as the Canadian instantly saw paint and knew his day was done. The card was a {k-}, eliminating Leah in seventh place, good for $31,903.

Kyablue is now the overwhelming chip leader.

Player Chips Progress
Xavier Kyablue us
Xavier Kyablue
$25K Fantasy
Mike Leah ca
Mike Leah
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: John MonnetteMike LeahXavier Kyablue

Elias Gets There to Chop Down Gorodinsky's Stack

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 4,000 ante

Darren Elias opened with a raise to 45,000. Next to act was Mike Gorodinsky and he made it 135,000 to go. Elias called, then took one while Gorodinsky stood pat.

Elias then pushed forward a big bet of 220,000. Gorodinsky didn't take too long to throw in a chip, signifying a call.

Elias fanned his {7-}{6-}{4-}{3-}{2-} for a seventy-six perfect. Gorodinsky quickly showed an eighty-six then mucked, and Elias took the big pot.

Player Chips Progress
Darren Elias us
Darren Elias
Mike Gorodinsky us
Mike Gorodinsky
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: Darren EliasMike Gorodinsky

Kyablue Adds Some More

Level 21 : 8,000/16,000, 4,000 ante
Xavier Kyablue
Xavier Kyablue

Not much action had gone down in the five hands previous, none of them making it to the draw phase.

The last hand, though, saw some chips exchanged. John Monnette opened to 42,000 and Xavier Kyablue three-bet to 140,000. Monnette called.

Kyablue stood pat and Monnette drew one. Both players checked and Kyablue took the pot down with a jack-nine.

Player Chips Progress
Xavier Kyablue us
Xavier Kyablue
$25K Fantasy
John Monnette us
John Monnette
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: John MonnetteXavier Kyablue