2017 World Series of Poker

Event #13: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw
Day: 2
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Frank Kassela
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
20,000 / 40,000

Tame Action at the Unofficial Final Table

Level 19 : 3,000/6,000, 1,500 ante

Things have been quiet at the final table. Action wise anyway. The table chatter has been quite entertaining with talks of everyone's diets and thoughts on fantasy drafts.

Nobody has put much of their stack at risk but in a recent hand, Bernard Lee opened to 18,000 and Jared Bleznick three-bet to 67,000. After some thought, Lee released his hand to the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
Bernard Lee us
Bernard Lee

Tags: Bernard LeeJared Bleznick

Bernard Lee Makes an Eight Perfect

Level 19 : 3,000/6,000, 1,500 ante
Bernard Lee
Bernard Lee

Bernard Lee and Benny Glaser headed into the draw phase, each already in for 16,500.

Each player drew one. Glaser led for 35,000 and Lee raised to 96,000 leaving 139,000 behind. Glaser tanked for a while. He asked Lee how many chips he had behind and then thought some more. At this point, Glaser had Lee covered. Eventually, Glaser called.4

Lee rolled over a smooth eight, {8-}{5-}{4-}{3-}{2-} and Glaser tossed out a single eight, to signify he also had an eight. He mucked the rest of his hand and Lee took down the 240,000 pot.

Player Chips Progress
Bernard Lee us
Bernard Lee
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserBernard Lee

Level: 20

Blinds: 4,000/8,000

Ante: 2,000

Samuel Spiwak Eliminated in 8th Place ($7,150)

Level 20 : 4,000/8,000, 2,000 ante
Samuel Spiwak
Samuel Spiwak

Samuel Spiwak couldn't find a hand to go all in with and was eventually left with only a few blinds behind. Matt Waxman and Jared Bleznick joined Spiwak in his final hand, giving him an opportunity to triple up.

Spiwak was in the small blind and Waxman opened to 16,000. Spiwak went all in for less and Bleznick also called. Spiwak drew two, Bleznick stood pat, and Waxman drew one.

The action was on Bleznick and he checked. Waxman checked behind. Bleznick called out a jack and Waxman looked at his hand.

"I have a jack. Jack nine," he said.

Bleznick had a jack-ten and mucked his hand. Spiwak said he threw away a jack and a ten and turned over his three card hand for a sweat. He showed {9-}{4-}{2-}. Unfortunately for Spiwak, there wasn't much of a sweat as he pulled a {q-} on his first card. He was eliminated in eighth place and took home $7,150.

Player Chips Progress
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
Matt Waxman us
Matt Waxman
WSOP 1X Winner
Samuel Spiwak us
Samuel Spiwak

Tags: Samuel SpiwakMatt WaxmanJared Bleznick

Final Table

Level 20 : 4,000/8,000, 2,000 ante

Matt Waxman and Jared Bleznick played a big hand right at the start of the final table. Waxman made an {8-}{6-}{4-}{3-}{2-} and led into Bleznick for 16,000. Bleznick made it 52,500 and Waxman called. Bleznick had a nine and mucked after showing his hand to Waxman.

Here is the table draw for the final table of Event #13:

1Stuart Rutter96,000
2Bernard Lee379,000
3Jared Bleznick300,000
4Tim McGuigan231,000
5Frank Kassela265,000
6Benny Glaser213,000
7Matt Waxman319,000
Player Chips Progress
Matt Waxman us
Matt Waxman
WSOP 1X Winner
Bernard Lee us
Bernard Lee
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
Frank Kassela us
Frank Kassela
WSOP 3X Winner
Tim McGuigan us
Tim McGuigan
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner
Stuart Rutter gb
Stuart Rutter

Kassela Keeps on Stackin'

Level 20 : 4,000/8,000, 2,000 ante

Frank Kassela has been on quite a tear since he requested a massage. The former WSOP Player of the Year has given himself quite a boost in the chip counts.

In a recent pot, Kassela bet 60,000 after the draw phase, getting a call from Jared Bleznick. Kassela announced an eight-six and Bleznick mucked.

A few hands later, Kassela opened to 29,000 from the small blind and Benny Glaser called in the big. Kassela stood pat while Glaser took one. Kassela fired 50,000 and Glaser snap-called. Kassela tabled a nine-eight and Glaser mucked.

Player Chips Progress
Frank Kassela us
Frank Kassela
WSOP 3X Winner
Jared Bleznick us
Jared Bleznick
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserFrank KasselaJared Bleznick

Benny Glaser Eliminated in 7th Place ($9,477)

Level 20 : 4,000/8,000, 2,000 ante
Benny Glaser
Benny Glaser

Jared Bleznick opened to 21,000 and Benny Glazer moved all-in for a bit less than 100,000. Stuart Rutter re-shoved over top and Bleznick folded.

Rutter stood pat and Glaser was forced to draw one, throwing a ten. For the sweat, Rutter tabled a ten-seven so Glaser was live. Glaser slowly peeled but instantly saw paint and knew his run was over. A cash of $9,477 awaited him at the payout desk for his 7th place finish.

Player Chips Progress
Stuart Rutter gb
Stuart Rutter
Benny Glaser gb
Benny Glaser
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: Benny GlaserJared BleznickStuart Rutter

Bernard Lee Leads the Final Six of the $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw

Level 20 : 4,000/8,000, 2,000 ante
Bernard Lee
Bernard Lee

Players have just bagged for the final day of Event #13: $1,500 No-Limit 2-7 Lowball Draw. Six players will return for a shot at the WSOP gold bracelet and $89,151.

Leading the way is Bernard Lee who has 17 World Series of Poker cashes and is seeking his first WSOP bracelet. He bagged 571,000 after surging in the final levels and winning a big pot of Benny Glaser (7th place). Both Lee and Glaser made eights, but Lee’s was the best possible eight and he won a 250,000 pot.

There are plenty of great storylines at the final table, including Jared Bleznick (97,500). Early on Day 1, after Bleznick tripling his starting stack through the opening levels, he guaranteed he would make the final table. He even tried to book some action on the bet. Some people made light of the fact that it was only level four, but that didn’t phase Bleznick. He has stated that he did receive some action on the bet. Unfortunately for Bleznick, he hit a few bumps on the final few levels after entering the unofficial final table as the chip leader. He still has chips and a chance to win his first WSOP bracelet.

Matt Waxman has a pretty good story to tell as well. He arrived late to the WSOP this year and this is his first event of the summer. He came into Day 2 with a little more than 5,000 chips, which was good for five big blinds. On the first few hands of the day, he tripled up getting all in after four players had entered the pot. He made a king to win over the pair of fives of Steven Tabb.

Former 2010 WSOP Player of the Year and two-time bracelet winner Frank Kassela brings a world-class resume to this already stacked final table. He finished the day with 365,500 and will enter the final day in third place.

Tim McGougin (299,500) is making his first WSOP final table appearance. This is his first WSOP tournament cash and his guaranteed five-figure score will be by far the biggest of his career. He won a massive hand and eliminated Adam Crawford when he got dealt a pat eight and called a three-bet from Alex Foxen (9th place). Crawford shoved all in, Foxen folded, and McGuigan called and earned the elimination and took the chip lead at that point.

The final member of the final table is Stuart Rutter. He has 29 WSOP cashes and is also seeking his first WSOP bracelet. He finished with 268,000 and got a nice boost to his chip stack by eliminating Benny Glaser (7th place) on the second to last hand of the night. Rutter's pat ten held against Glaser's nine draw.

The final table resumes at 2 p.m. local time. Follow all the updates right here on PokerNews.

RoomTableSeatPlayerCountryBig Blinds
Brasilia11Stuart RutterUnited Kingdom286,000
Brasilia12Bernard LeeUnited States571,000
Brasilia13Jared BleznickUnited States97,500
Brasilia14Timothy McguiganUnited States299,500
Brasilia15Frank KasselaUnited States365,500
Brasilia16Matt WaxmanUnited States395,500

Tags: Adam CrawfordAlex FoxenBenny GlaserBernard LeeFrank KasselaJared BleznickMatt WaxmanSteven TabbStuart RutterTim McGuigan