2024 World Series of Poker

Event #7: $1,500 Dealer's Choice (6-Handed)
Day: 3
Event Info

2024 World Series of Poker

Final Results
Winning Hand
Event Info
Prize Pool
Level Info
150,000 / 300,000
Players Info - Day 3
Players Left

Blom Stands Pat Against Wolcyn

Level 28 : 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
Viktor Blom
Viktor Blom


Clint Wolcyn raised in the cutoff, Viktor Blom reraised in the big blind, and Wolcyn called.

Blom patted all three draws and bet after the first and second draws. Wolcyn took one each time and called Blom's bets.

Both players checked after the third draw and Blom showed KQ43 for a Badugi to win the pot

Player Chips Progress
Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom
Clint Wolcyn us
Clint Wolcyn
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Clint WolcynViktor Blom

Hennigan Leads Into Gazlay

Level 28 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
John Hennigan
John Hennigan

2-7 Razz

John Hennigan: XxXx/9x8x4xKx/Xx
Brayden Gazlay: XxXx/2xJx5x2x/Xx

John Hennigan bet on fourth street and Brayden Gazlay called.

Hennigan continued betting on fifth and sixth, with Gazlay calling him down to seventh. Both players then checked.

Hennigan turned over Kx7x6x for a 9-8-7-6-4 and Gazlay mucked.

Player Chips Progress
John Hennigan us
John Hennigan
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Brayden Gazlay us
Brayden Gazlay

Tags: Brayden GazlayJohn Hennigan

Gelencser Doubles Off Wells

Level 28 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
Peter Gelencser
Peter Gelencser

Seven Card Stud

Peter Gelencser: XxXx/10Q9
Robert Wells: XxXx/K82

Robert Wells completed, Peter Gelencser raised, and Wells called.

Gelencser bet on fourth street and Wells called. Gelencser got his last chips in the middle on fifth and Wells put him at risk.

Gelencser finished with JQJ2 for jacks and queens, while Wells mucked 5273.

Player Chips Progress
Robert Wells gb
Robert Wells
Peter Gelencser hu
Peter Gelencser
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: Peter GelencserRobert Wells

Hennigan is a Stud Master

Level 28 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
John Hennigan
John Hennigan

Seven Card Stud

John Hennigan: XxXx/A3KQ/Xx
Robert Wells: XxXx/984J/Xx

John Hennigan completed, Robert Wells raised, and Hennigan reraised. Wells called.

Hennigan proceeded to bet each street down to seventh and Wells called. Hennigan bet again on seventh and Wells called once more.

Hennigan turned over AQ10 for two pair and Wells mucked.

"That's the key to this game. Make two pair, with the ace being one of them," Clint Wolcyn said.

"I'm so lucky at this game. I've been doing it for 30 years. I play terrific, but I run so well," Hennigan replied.

Player Chips Progress
John Hennigan us
John Hennigan
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Robert Wells gb
Robert Wells

Tags: John HenniganRobert Wells

Clint Wolcyn Eliminated in 6th Place ($20,665)

Level 28 : Limits 80,000/160,000, 0 ante
Clint Wolcyn
Clint Wolcyn

Pot-Limit Omaha 8 or Better

Clint Wolcyn opened to 120,000 from the small blind and Brayden Gazlay called from the big blind.

The flop came AQ9. Wolcyn fired an 80,000 continuation bet only for Gazlay to raise to 300,000. Wolcyn made the call.

On the 6 turn Wolcyn checked and Gazlay bet 800,000. Wolcyn moved all in for about 1,350,000 and Gazlay quickly called with a covering stack to put Wolcyn at risk.

Clint Wolcyn: AK53 All in
Brayden Gazlay: AQ94

Gazlay was ahead with top two pair but Wolcyn still had outs to either half the pot if he completed his low draw or the entire pot if he spiked a king. His deep run came to an end in sixth place after finding no help on the 9 river while Gazlay dragged in a pot worth over 3,000,000.

Player Chips Progress
Brayden Gazlay us
Brayden Gazlay
Clint Wolcyn us
Clint Wolcyn
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Brayden GazlayClint Wolcyn

Hennigan Wins Another Massive Pot

Level 29 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante
John Hennigan
John Hennigan

Seven Card Stud

John Hennigan: XxXx/63J6/Xx
Viktor Blom: XxXx/57J10/Xx
Brayden Gazlay: XxXx/2Q7 - folded on fifth

Viktor Blom bet on fourth street and was called by Brayden Gazlay, but John Hennigan put in a raise.

Both players called to fifth, where Hennigan bet again. Only Blom called this time.

Hennigan bet on sixth and Blom called. Blom then bet on seventh and Hennigan raised. Blom called.

Hennigan turned over AA9 for aces and sixes and Blom mucked.

Player Chips Progress
John Hennigan us
John Hennigan
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Brayden Gazlay us
Brayden Gazlay
Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom

Tags: Brayden GazlayJohn HenniganViktor Blom

Gelencser Doubles Again

Level 29 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante
Peter Gelencser
Peter Gelencser

Seven Card Stud

Peter Gelencser: XxXx/Q289/Xx
Brayden Gazlay: XxXx/9105K/Xx

Brayden Gazlay bet on fourth street and Peter Gelencser called.

Gazlay bet again on fifth, Gelencser raised, and Gazlay called.

Gelencser bet on sixth, then moved all in on seventh. Gazlay called both bets and Gelencser ended up with Q2 for two pair to win the pot and double up.

Player Chips Progress
Peter Gelencser hu
Peter Gelencser
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Brayden Gazlay us
Brayden Gazlay

Tags: Brayden GazlayPeter Gelencser

Blom's Rolled Up Kings Go Down in Flames

Level 29 : Limits 100,000/200,000, 0 ante
Viktor Blom
Viktor Blom

Stud 8 or Better

John Hennigan: QQ/656A/6
Viktor Blom: KK/K869/5

John Hennigan completed, Viktor Blom three-bet and Hennigan called.

Both players checked fourth street. On fifth Blom bet, Hennigan raised and Blom called.

Hennigan bet sixth street, Blom raised it to two big bets and Hennigan called.

On seventh street Hennigan bet once more and was called by Blom.

Neither player had a low. Blom had started with trip kings but had not improved while Hennigan had made a full house on seventh. Blom could only watch as Hennigan dragged in a colossal pot.

Player Chips Progress
John Hennigan us
John Hennigan
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom

Tags: John HenniganViktor Blom

Gazlay Hiding Aces to Leave Blom on Fumes

Level 30 : Limits 120,000/240,000, 0 ante
Brayden Gazlay
Brayden Gazlay

Seven Card Stud

Brayden Gazlay: XxXx/363K/Xx
Viktor Blom: XxXx/Q10J6/Xx

Viktor Blom completed and Brayden Gazlay called.

Blom bet on fourth and Gazlay called. Gazlay then raised on fifth after Blom bet, and Blom called.

Gazlay turned over AA and committed his last 95,000 even though Blom had not yet acted on sixth. Blom eventually called and showed Q10 for queens and tens.

Blom caught the 3 on seventh, while Gazlay finished with K to win the pot with his aces and threes and double up.

Player Chips Progress
Brayden Gazlay us
Brayden Gazlay
Viktor Blom se
Viktor Blom

Tags: Brayden GazlayViktor Blom

Brayden Gazlay Eliminated in 5th Place ($28,845)

Level 30 : Limits 120,000/240,000, 0 ante
Brayden Gazlay
Brayden Gazlay

Omaha 8 or Better

Brayden Gazlay raised under the gun, John Hennigan reraised in the cutoff, and Gazlay called.

The flop came A88 and Hennigan bet. Gazlay called.

Hennigan bet again on the K turn, but this time Gazlay raised. Hennigan called and the 9 fell on the river.

Gazlay then moved all in and Hennigan snap-called, turning over KK43 for a full house.

"He two-outted me," Gazlay called out to his rail as he showed A864 for a flopped full house before making his way to the exit.

Hennigan now controls more than 75 percent of the chips in play four-handed.

Player Chips Progress
John Hennigan us
John Hennigan
WSOP 7X Winner
Poker Hall of Famer
Brayden Gazlay us
Brayden Gazlay

Tags: Brayden GazlayJohn Hennigan