2024 World Series of Poker

Nakache Extends His Chip Lead

Level 30 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Elie Nakache raised to 750,000 on the button with J875. Joshua Adkins three-bet to 2,250,000 from the big blind with KK54, and Nakache called.

On the 4Q3 flop, Adkins bet 1,600,000, and Nakache made the call.

The turn was the J. Adkins checked, then faced a bet 7,950,000 from Nakache. This sent Adkins deep into the tank, thinking for over two minutes. Ultimately, he settled on a fold and forfeited the pot to Nakache.

Player Chips Progress
Elie Nakache fr
Elie Nakache
WSOP 1X Winner
Joshua Adkins us
Joshua Adkins
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Elie NakacheJoshua Adkins