2024 World Series of Poker

Nakache Takes the Chip Lead

Level 30 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Elie Nakache
Elie Nakache

Elie Nakache raised to 750,000 from the button. Joshua Adkins three-bet to 2,250,000 out of the big blind, and Nakache called.

Adkins checked the 8JQ flop and Nakache bet 1,600,000. Adkins called.

The J on the turn got checked through for the 8 to come on the river. Adkins checked and then faced a bet of 5,500,000 from Nakache. Adkins called fairly quickly and was shown KQ84 by Nakache for a full house, which was enough to beat the aces of Adkins with AA105.

Player Chips Progress
Elie Nakache fr
Elie Nakache
WSOP 1X Winner
Joshua Adkins us
Joshua Adkins
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Elie NakacheJoshua Adkins