2024 World Series of Poker

Adkins Wins a Battle of the Blinds

Level 30 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante
Joshua Adkins
Joshua Adkins

Jonathan Bowers called from the small blind with AK85. Joshua Adkins raised to 750,000 out of the big blind with KQJ4

The flop of J46 saw Bowers check-call a bet of 1,000,000 from Adkins.

The turn was the 6. Bowers checked and Adkins bet 1,300,000. Bowers then check-raised to 3,500,000 and after a few moments, Adkins called.

After the 8 fell on the river, Bowers opted to check-fold to a bet of 5,000,000 from Adkins

Player Chips Progress
Joshua Adkins us
Joshua Adkins
Day 3 Chip Leader
Elie Nakache fr
Elie Nakache
WSOP 1X Winner
Jonathan Bowers gb
Jonathan Bowers
Day 2 Chip Leader
Manh Nguyen us
Manh Nguyen

Tags: Jonathan BowersJoshua Adkins