2024 World Series of Poker

Nakache Takes From Adkins

Level 29 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Elie Nakache
Elie Nakache

Joshua Adkins raised to 700,000 from the cutoff with KJ43. Elie Nakache three-bet to 2,400,000 from the button with AKK5 and took down the pot.

In the next hand, Elie Nakache limped in from the cutoff with AQ99. Manh Nguyen followed suit from the button with 7743. Jonathan Bowers called from the small blind with AK1010, and Joshua Adkins checked out of the big blind with K874.

The monotone flop of Q65 saw Nakache bet 200,000 when checked to with only Adkins and Nguyen making the call.

The turn came the A. Adkins checked, Nakache bet 500,000 Nguyen folded, but Adkins called.

The A came on the river. Adkins check-folded to a bet of 1,000,000 from Nakache

Player Chips Progress
Joshua Adkins us
Joshua Adkins
Day 3 Chip Leader
Jonathan Bowers gb
Jonathan Bowers
Day 2 Chip Leader
Elie Nakache fr
Elie Nakache
WSOP 1X Winner
Manh Nguyen us
Manh Nguyen

Tags: Elie NakacheJonathan BowersJoshua AdkinsManh Nguyen