2024 World Series of Poker

Checkwicz Turns Broadway

Level 31 : Blinds 125,000/250,000, 250,000 ante

Mark Checkwicz opened KJ with a raise to 525,000. Arie Kliper defended with A9.

The dealer put out A5Q and Checkwicz continued for 450,000. Kliper called.

Checkwicz fired 975,000 on the 10 turn and Kliper called once more, this time drawing dead.

Neither player held a heart, and action went check-check on the Q river. Checkwicz scooped the pot with his turned straight.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Checkwicz us
Mark Checkwicz
WSOP 1X Winner
Arie Kliper il
Arie Kliper

Tags: Arie KliperMark Checkwicz