2024 World Series of Poker

Michael Vela Eliminated in 3rd Place ($266,257)

Level 30 : Blinds 100,000/200,000, 200,000 ante
Michael Vela
Michael Vela

Mark Checkwicz looked down at KJ on the button and opened the action with a raise to 435,000. Michael Vela made the call from the small blind with QJ

Checkwicz moved all in for Vela's last 2,960,000 on 108K and Vela quickly called.

Vela had outs but could not find any on the 5 turn or 3 river as he was sent to the payout desk in third place.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Checkwicz us
Mark Checkwicz
WSOP 1X Winner
Michael Vela us
Michael Vela

Tags: Mark CheckwiczMichael Vela