2024 World Series of Poker

Nathan Takes Some Chips Back from Checkwicz

Level 29 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Kevin Nathan raised to 375,000 from the cutoff with A9. Mark Checkwicz, in the big blind, defended with A4.

The 6A3 flop gave both players top pair, each deciding to check to the 4 turn. Checkwicz improved to two pair, prompting him to lead for 400,000. Nathan called.

The 9 river improved Nathan to a better two-pair. Checkwicz bet out 1,200,000 and Nathan called, winning this pot.

Player Chips Progress
Mark Checkwicz us
Mark Checkwicz
WSOP 1X Winner
Kevin Nathan us
Kevin Nathan
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Mark CheckwiczKevin Nathan