2024 World Series of Poker

Lopes Flops Top Set, Gets Maximum Value

Level 23 : Blinds 20,000/40,000, 40,000 ante

Joshua Zimmerman opened the action with a raise to 100,000 from middle position. Bruno Lopes called in the small blind.

Zimmerman continued for 125,000 on 859 before Lopes raised to 380,000. Zimmerman called.

Lopes continued for 640,000 on the 4 turned. Zimmerman made the call.

The 2 river hit the felt and Lopes moved all in for 1,200,000. After a long tank, Zimmerman found the call. Lopes tabled 99 for the winner. Zimmerman showed JJ before mucking.

Player Chips Progress
Bruno Lopes fr
Bruno Lopes
Joshua Zimmerman us
Joshua Zimmerman

Tags: Bruno LopesJoshua Zimmerman