2024 World Series of Poker

Smrek Doubles Through Ricksen

Level 39 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
August Smrek
August Smrek

John Ricksen raised from the button to 3,500,000 and August Smrek moved all in from the small blind for 11,600,000. Ricksen took some time before making the call and the players flipped their cards.

August Smrek: AAAll in
John Ricksen: JK

Smrek was sitting with pocket aces and looking to hold to stay in the tournement.

The 8106 flop missed for both, but the 9 turn brought in a sweat for Smrek, as Ricksen was looking at an open-ended straight draw.

The flush came in on the 5 river, and Smrek sealed the double.

Player Chips Progress
August Smrek us
August Smrek
John Ricksen us
John Ricksen

Tags: August SmrekJohn Ricksen