2024 World Series of Poker

Vance Isono Eliminated in 9th Place ($28,536)

Level 39 : Blinds 600,000/1,200,000, 1,200,000 ante
Vance Isono
Vance Isono

Short Stacked Vance Isono was forced all in on the big blind and was called by three other players to put him at risk.

The players on the side then checked through the board of 8J6K2 and the cards were tabled.

Vance Isono: Q5All in
Cal Nailn: 910
Christopher Moen: A4
John Ricksen: A5

Rickson and Moen then chopped the pot with their ace high while Isono was eliminated in ninth place.

Player Chips Progress
Vance Isono us
Vance Isono

Tags: Cal NailnChristopher MoenJohn RicksenVance Isono