2024 World Series of Poker

Alvaro Escudero Eliminated in 13th place ($17,801)

Level 38 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante
Alvaro Escudero
Alvaro Escudero

Alvaro Escudero was all in for 5,500,000 from the cutoff and got a single call from Daniel Hirose in the big blind.

Alvaro Escudero: Q7All in
Daniel Hirose: A5

The players went heads-up to the 346 flop and Hirose was still ahead.

The 6 turn and 10 river didn't change anything and Hirose held with an ace.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Hirose us
Daniel Hirose
Alvaro Escudero es
Alvaro Escudero

Tags: Alvaro EscuderoDaniel Hirose