2024 World Series of Poker

Isono Pips Chudapal

Level 37 : Blinds 400,000/800,000, 800,000 ante

Vance Isono moved all in preflop and after some thought, Siarhei Chudapal made the call tp put him at risk.

Vance Isono: A10All in
Siarhei Chudapal: A9

Isono was in the lead with his superior kicker, but the flop of 59Q was not his friend as it gave Chudapal the lead with his nine. However, the turn was the 10 to turn the tide back in his favor and the river 10 scored him the double.

Player Chips Progress
Vance Isono us
Vance Isono
Siarhei Chudapal by
Siarhei Chudapal

Tags: Siarhei ChudapalVance Isono