2024 World Series of Poker

Brett Roberts Eliminated in 18th Place ($11,487)

Level 36 : 300,000/600,000, 600,000 ante
Brett Roberts
Brett Roberts

Brett Roberts moved all in for 2,600,000 under-the-gun and action folded to Vance Isono who thought about it for a few moments before he flicked in the call to put him at risk

Brett Roberts: K10All in
Vance Isono: 77

Roberts would need to improve to stay alive, but the flop of 6A7 made it extremely hard as Isono flopped a set of sevens for a huge lead. The turn 7 then made it impossible for Roberts to win and the 9 completed the board to send him to the rail in 18th place.

Player Chips Progress
Vance Isono us
Vance Isono
Brett Roberts us
Brett Roberts
Jaka Coaching

Tags: Brett RobertsVance Isono