2024 World Series of Poker

Mishel Anunu Eliminated in 20th Place ($11,487)

Level 35 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Mishel Anunu
Mishel Anunu

Guilherme De Castro initiated the action with a raise to 1,000,000 from middle position, and Mishel Anunu called from the big blind.

On the 8A3 flop, Anunu checked, and De Castro bet 550,000, which Anunu called.

Anunu checked again on the 2 turn, and De Castro fired another bet of 2,000,000, which Anunu called once more.

The river brought the 2. Anunu checked for a third time, and De Castro went all in. Anunu called, leading to a showdown.

Mishel Anunu: AJAll in
Guilherme De Castro: QJ

De Castro's higher flush eliminated Anunu.

Player Chips Progress
Guilherme de Castro br
Guilherme de Castro
Mishel Anunu au
Mishel Anunu

Tags: Guilherme De CastroMishel Anunu