2024 World Series of Poker

Ryan Stiner Eliminated in 22nd Place ($11,487)

Level 35 : Blinds 250,000/500,000, 500,000 ante
Ryan Stiner
Ryan Stiner

After a preflop betting war, Ryan Stiner moved all in and Thomas Kuess quickly called to put him at risk.

Ryan Stiner: A4All in
Thomas Kuess: AK

Stiner was in bad shape with his inferior kicker, but the flop of 94J put him in the lead, much to the chagrin of Kuess.

Crazily enough, the K spiked down on the turn to turn the tides back in Kuess's favor and the river Q won him the pot to send Stiner to the rail in 22nd place.

Player Chips Progress
Thomas Kuess at
Thomas Kuess
Ryan Stiner us
Ryan Stiner

Tags: Ryan StinerThomas Kuess