2024 World Series of Poker

Stavila Gets Rivered, Exits Following Hand

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Dan Stavila
Dan Stavila

Dan Stavila had made it around 700,000 to go preflop, leaving 75,000 behind but Cal Nail thought he was all in and exposed his cards. Stavila, being a good sport, then exposed his cards as well.

Dan Stavila: KQAll in
Cal Nailn: AQ

Nailn was ahead going into this hand, but the flop of 6K2 put Stavila in the lead with his king.

Both players then decided to check to the turn 10, which saw a check from Nailn and it looked like Stavila was going to put the last of his chips in, but decided against it and checked back.

Crazily enough, the river fell the J to give Nailn the nut straight and Stavila quickly folded to award him the pot, which left himself with barely a big blind.

Stavila then got it all in preflop the very next hand but unfortunately could not survive and was sent to the rail by Nailn.

Player Chips Progress
Cal Nailn us
Cal Nailn
Dan Stavila md
Dan Stavila

Tags: Dan StavilaCal Nailn