2024 World Series of Poker

De Castro Stacking

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 100,000 ante
Guilherme De Castro
Guilherme De Castro

We joined the action with around 1,700,000 already in the pot and the board showing Q8KQ5. Samuel Shon, sitting in the big blind, bet 300,000 as the first to act. Guilherme De Castro responded by going all in. Shon took some time to consider before ultimately calling.

Samuel Shon: AKAll in
Guilherme De Castro: Q3

With trip queens, De Castro took the pot, boosting his stack over the 6,000,000 mark.

Player Chips Progress
Guilherme de Castro br
Guilherme de Castro
Samuel Shon us
Samuel Shon

Tags: Guilherme De CastroSamuel Shon