2024 World Series of Poker

Nicoletti Sent to the Rail after Big Hand

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante
Kenneth Nicoletti
Kenneth Nicoletti

Kenneth Nicoletti opened to 60,000 and was then three-bet to 180,000 by Daniel Hirose to his left, which he called.

The flop came out 623 and Nicoletti checked, Hirose bet 120,000, and Nicoletti called. The turn was the 6, which paired the board, and Nicoletti check-called again, this time for 250,000.

The river fell the 3, which double-paired the board and after another check from Nicoletti, Horose moved all in for 410,000.

Nicoletti went into the tank for some time, long enough for the clock to be called on him. As his timer reached zero, Nicoletti made the call and tabled AJ for ace-high, but was then shown QQ by Hirose for a bigger two pair to scoop the pot.

Left extremely short, Nicoletti got it in the very next hand with A10 but ran into KK and after failing to improve, was sent to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Daniel Hirose us
Daniel Hirose
Kenneth Nicoletti us
Kenneth Nicoletti

Tags: Daniel HiroseKenneth Nicoletti