2024 World Series of Poker

Early Exits for De La Vega and O'Donnell

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 30,000 ante

In one of the first hands of the day, short-stacked Guillermo De La Vega moved all in preflop and was called by Tzahi Dagan to put him at risk.

Guillermo De La Vega : AKAll in
Tzahi Dagan: 88

The runout of 106J55 meant that Dagan's pocket eights held to send De La Vega to the rail.

Meanwhile, on a neighboring table, Kenneth O'Donnell got it all in preflop against Samuel Shon, who covered.

Kenneth O'Donnell: AQAll in
Samuel Shon: AJ

Although O'Donnell held the superior ace, the runout of 927J3 gave a jack to Shon to win the pot and sent him to the payout desk.

Player Chips Progress
Samuel Shon us
Samuel Shon
Tzahi Dagan us
Tzahi Dagan
Guillermo De La Vega mx
Guillermo De La Vega
Kenneth O'Donnell us
Kenneth O'Donnell
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Kenneth O'DonnellSamuel ShonTzahi DaganDe La Vega