2024 World Series of Poker

Funkhouser Flummoxed by Leibgorin

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 180,000 ante
David Funkhouser
David Funkhouser

David Funkhouser opened to 420,000 from the small blind and Michel Leibgorin defended from the big blind, drawing two while Funkhouser stood pat.

Funkhouser checked after the draw and Leibgorin bet 1,000,000, putting Funkhouser deep into the tank.

"Michel, what are you doing to me? Can't you just put 600,000?" Funkhouser asked his opponent, who did not reply. "1,000,000, that's the bet? So greedy". Funkhouser continued as he weighed his options.

Eventually Funkhouser opted to fold and Leibgorin took down a healthy pot without showdown.

Player Chips Progress
Michel Leibgorin fr
Michel Leibgorin
Day 2 Chip Leader
Charles Tucker us
Charles Tucker
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: David FunkhouserMichel Leibgorin