2024 World Series of Poker

Tucker Shows the Bluff

Level 29 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 180,000 ante
Charles Tucker
Charles Tucker

Charles Tucker raised to 250,000 from under the gun and was called by Michel Leibgorin in the big blind.

Leibgorin asked for one card, as did Tucker. Leibgorin checked his hand and quickly counted out a bet of 350,000.

Tucker took a moment before sliding out a raise to 1,000,000. Leibgorin did not take long to muck his hand, with Tucker turning over 8x8x for a pair of eights.

Player Chips Progress
Michel Leibgorin fr
Michel Leibgorin
Day 2 Chip Leader
Charles Tucker us
Charles Tucker

Tags: Charles TuckerMichel Leibgorin