2024 World Series of Poker

Leibgorin Checks to "Sneaky Guy"

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 150,000 ante
Michel Leibgorin
Michel Leibgorin

David Funkhouser limped from the small blind and Michel Leibgorin checked his big blind option.

"Sneaky guy," said Leibgorin as he watched Funkhouser pat. Leibgorin took two cards and Funkhouser led out for 150,000. Leibgorin made the quick call.

"Queen," announced Funkhouser and Leibgorin turned over 8x7x6x5x3x for the winning hand.

"I put you on a monster," Leibgorin explained as he raked in the pot.

Player Chips Progress
Michel Leibgorin fr
Michel Leibgorin
Day 2 Chip Leader
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: David FunkhouserMichel Leibgorin