2024 World Series of Poker

Funkhouser Doubles Through Eslami

Level 28 : Blinds 50,000/100,000, 150,000 ante

Ali Eslami opened to 225,000 from the cutoff and David Funkhouser raised to 1,110,000 from the big blind, leaving a single red T-5,000 chip behind. Eslami made the call and both players drew one, then checked.

Eslami had a nine-seven with 9x8x7x3x2x but Fankhouser and a slightly better nine-seven with 9x7x6x5x4x to secure a full double up at Eslami's expense.

Player Chips Progress
David Funkhouser us
David Funkhouser
WSOP 1X Winner
Ali Eslami us
Ali Eslami
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ali EslamiDavid Funkhouser