2024 World Series of Poker

Of Course Leonard Lied, It's Poker

Level 23 : Blinds 15,000/30,000, 45,000 ante
Patrick Leonard
Patrick Leonard

In a modest pot of around 150,000 chips, Tzu Peng Wang had checked from the big blind after the draws. His opponent was Patrick Leonard, who made a huge over-bet of 385,000.

Wang went deep into the tank, eventually asking Leonard how much he had behind.

"You're not raising anyway," Leonard responded as he showed off the 130,000 or so chips he had back.

After some more time Wang asked Leonard if he had a wheel, to which Leonard shook his head.

"Will you show me a bluff if I fold?" Wang then aksed, to which Leonard once again responded with a headshake.

That seemed to ease Wang's mind as he folded, but Leonard immediately tabled Jx7x7x5x3x for a pair of sevens as Wang's cards hit the muck.

Player Chips Progress
Patrick Leonard gb
Patrick Leonard
$25K Fantasy
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Tzu Peng Wang tw
Tzu Peng Wang

Tags: Patrick LeonardTzu Peng Wang